
Doctor Says ‘Healthiest Individual Ever Elected’ Letter Was Dictated by Trump Himself

- Mei 02, 2018

Yesterday my colleague Andrea Ruth wrote about how Donald Trump’s former doctor had his office raided by Trump goons who were there to secure potentially embarrassing information about the President being prescribed baldness cures.

Now the doctor is saying that the letter he “wrote” essentially claiming that Trump is the quintessential biological example of a human male was dictated to him by the President himself.

When Dr. Harold Bornstein described in hyperbolic prose then-candidate Donald Trump’s health in 2015, the language he used was eerily similar to the style preferred by his patient.It turns out the patient himself wrote it, according to Bornstein.

“He dictated that whole letter. I didn’t write that letter,” Bornstein told CNN on Tuesday. “I just made it up as I went along.”

The admission is an about face from his answer more than two years when the letter was released and answers one of the lingering questions about the last presidential election. The letter thrust the eccentric Bornstein, with his shoulder-length hair and round eyeglasses, into public view.

Color me not surprised. Here is the complete letter in question. I’ve bolded the more ridiculous and obviously Trumpified statements.

To Whom My Concern:

I have been the personal physician of Mr Donald J. Trump since 1980. His previous physician was my father, Dr Jacob Bornstein. Over the past 39 years, I am pleased to report that Mr Trump has had no significant medical problems. Mr Trump has had a recent complete medical examination that showed only positive results. Actually, his blood pressure, 110/65, and laboratory test results were astonishingly excellent.

Over the past twelve months, he has lost at least fifteen pounds, Mr Trump takes 81 mg of aspirin daily and a low dose of a statin. His PSA test score is 0.15 (very low). His physical strength and stamina are extraordinary.

Mr Trump has suffered no form of cancer, has never had a hip, knee or shoulder replacement or any other orthopedic surgery. His only surgery was an appendectomy at age ten. His cardiovascular status is excellent. He has no history of ever using alcohol or tobacco products.

If elected, Mr Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.

Harold N Bornstein, MD, FACG

Department of Medicine, Section of Gastroenterology

Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, NY

We know that Trump’s vanity is matched only by the amount of hairspray he must consume in a week. He seems to routinely use sock-puppet personas to bloviate about his greatness because doing it only as himself is insufficient. Trump alter-ego John Barron reportedly lied to get Trump on the Forbes 400 list. A non-existent “secretary” penned a letter to the editor defending Trump’s sex appeal using perfect Trumpian syntax.

God only knows how many other fake people have written or spoken in praise of Trump over the years. It makes me wonder how many Twitter accounts he mayor be using in addition to his official one. Sometimes I think Trump’s obsession with the fake news media is primarily borne out of professional jealousy.

Someone with this level of self obsession and disregard for the truth leading a large cult of personality is obviously a dangerous combination.

By all means support any policies that fall in line with conservatism, but when the President speaks in vague hyperbole about things he promises will be great, terrific, or amazing without giving details, hold on to your wallet before you start chanting his name.

The post Doctor Says ‘Healthiest Individual Ever Elected’ Letter Was Dictated by Trump Himself appeared first on RedState.


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