
Clapper Said Spying on Trump a “Good Thing”… Now #FakeNews Media Says Clapper “Has Not Admitted FBI Was Spying”

- Mei 25, 2018

Obama’s former DNI Chief James Clapper told CNN last Thursday “it was a good thing” the FBI was spying on Trump’s campaign.

This was after he initially denied the Intelligence Community was spying on Donald Trump.

Clapper told CNN it was a good thing if the FBI had someone “observing” the Trump’s campaigns interaction with the Russians because the “Russians posed a threat to the very basis of our political system.”


Now the liberal media is working OT to persuade Americans Clapper did not say this two days ago.

James Clapper also told Joy Behar on The View that the FBI was spying on the Trump campaign.

NPR has a piece up titled: FACT CHECK: No, Clapper Has Not ‘Admitted That There Was Spying’ On Trump Campaign

Of course this is a complete lie — as the above video clearly shows.

Liberal reporter Maggie Haberman attacked President Trump for stating the obvious.

Intel expert Tony Shaffer took Maggie to the woodshed.

The liberal mainstream media is so far gone that they are now trying to refute a man’s own words on video!
They are worse than Pravda.

Image via Mike Pampeo twitter page

The post Clapper Said Spying on Trump a “Good Thing”… Now #FakeNews Media Says Clapper “Has Not Admitted FBI Was Spying” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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