
Watch: Parents Interrogate Pedophile After Hog Tying Him, but Now They Could Face Charges

- April 16, 2018

When a man was caught saying he wanted to have sex with their 13 year old daughter, a Canadian couple took it upon themselves to do what Port Alberti, British Columbia police wouldn’t.

According to CTV, a 28-year-old man had been attempting to seduce a 13-year-old girl, and had sent her many messages on Instagram, trying to convince her to allow him to her “first.” These messages were discovered by the mother, however, who proceeded to tell police.

According to the mother, police did nothing.

“They wouldn’t even look at my phone. They just said to block him and forget it,” she claimed according to CTV. “I’ve been waiting for six weeks for the police to give me a name behind the Instagram account.”

The parents then took matters into their own hands.

Pretending to be the daughter, the parents invited the man over to their home. When he arrived, the couple reportedly tackled him, then restrained him with zip ties. The mother then took to Facebook live where she broadcast his face to her followers.

However, due to their vigilante actions, the parents may face charges. When police arrived they freed the man, and took him to the hospital with no charges. Meanwhile the parents were arrested.

From Fox News:

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the country’s federal law enforcement body, disputed that account. According to authorities, the man in the video was in fact under investigation for child solicitation since March, after the mother brought the matter to their attention.

“The police had directed her not to take matters into her own hands, that we were investigating it,” an RCMP spokesman told CTV. “She was directed not to make the meet happen.”

For their part, the parents of the daughter are sticking to their guns. They are reportedly under investigation and facing potential charges for assault and unlawful restraint.

Both parents believe they still did the right thing.

While vigilantism is always dangerous, police seemed to be taking their time in bringing the criminal to justice. Within the month long process of investigating this man, who had clearly sent sexually explicit messages and arranged a meeting with a minor for sexual intercourse, the man could have done far more damage.

The parents may have been wrong for taking the law into their own hands, but it would seem the law was failing them.


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