
The Comey Memos: From Hookers to Pee to Fake News and Leaks, Read Them Here

- April 20, 2018

The Comey memos were released to Congress on Thursday, and quickly “obtained’ by various press outlets. As big revelations go, these aren’t.

They are, however, an interesting look into the meetings that then-FBI Director Comey had with President Trump and then-Chief of Staff Reince Priebus.

They detail, among other things, what Putin had to say about hookers in Russia, Trump’s concerns about people believing the “Golden Showers” story, his feelings about loyalty, his concerns about Mike Flynn, and the general manner in which Trump conducted their meetings.

They also show Comey not only put his trust in McCabe but urged the President to as well. Which may, interestingly enough, be the most damning thing in the entire document set.

It’s interesting, not earth-shattering, and you can read the release below, and after the embed, I’ll highlight some quotes in case you can’t go through the PDF.

The Comey Memos by Caleb Howe on Scribd

“‘I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.’ I replied by saying ‘I agree he is a good guy,’ but said no more.”

This bit was already known before the memo release on Thursday. But Trump also had reservations about Flynn’s judgement.

“He then went on to explain that he has serious reservations about Mike Flynn’s judgment and illustrated with a story from that day in which the President apparently discovered during his toast to Teresa May that [redacted] had called four days ago. Apparently, as the President was toasting PM May, he was explaining that she had been the first to call him after his inauguration and Flynn interrupted to say that [redacted] had called (first, apparently). It was then that the President learned of [redacted] call and he confronted Flynn about it (not clear whether that was in the moment or after the lunch with PM May). Flynn said the return call was scheduled for Saturday, which prompted a heated reply from the President that six days was not an appropriate period of time to return a call from teh [redacted] of a country like [redacted] (“This isn’t [redacted] we are talking about.” He said that if he called [redacted] [redacted] and didn’t get a return call for six days he would be very upset. In telling the story, the President pointed his fingers at his head and said “the guy has serious judgment issues.”

“The President said ‘the hookers thing’ is nonsense but that Putin had told him ‘we have some of the most beautiful hookers in the world.’ (He did not say when Putin told him this and I don’t recall.)”


“I said that…he should have the White House Counsel call the Acting Attorney General and make the request. He said that was what he would do. He then added, “Because I have been very loyal to you, very loyal, we had that thing, you know.” I did not reply, or ask him what he meant by “that thing.”

The post The Comey Memos: From Hookers to Pee to Fake News and Leaks, Read Them Here appeared first on RedState.


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