
Take a Break From Politics and Enjoy This Triumph of the Human Spirit

- April 04, 2018

I literally give thanks to the Almighty every day for blessing me with a body that can still do most things that I want it to despite the things I’ve done to it. It is a struggle, to be sure. Right now I’m maintaining a semblance of fitness with a combination of my Concept II rowing machine, two nights a week of kendo, and my daily 4:30 a. m. appointments (of the virtual variety) with Sagi Kalev:

Not everyone is as fortunate as I am.

Luke Terry is in middle school in Connersville, TN. He is 14-years old and an eighth-grader. He lost his right arm to an infection when he was 19-months old. He’s also the starting catcher for his school baseball team.

Eagleville High School baseball coach Travis Holland was amazed when he saw Luke behind home plate recently.

“Big shout out to Cornersville’s middle school catcher,” Holland tweeted. “With the use of one arm, this guy is getting it done. What a stud.”

Luke leads a normal life. He hunts — during gun and bow season. He uses a crossbow during bow season. He’s bagged a 12-point buck.

Luke figured out how to play video games at a young age. He’d hold the controller with his feet and use his left arm to run the remote.

And he works on the family farm, which includes 100 cattle.

“He teaches himself how to do things and what’s best for him,” Dana said. “I try to show him the easiest way. Sometimes he’ll do it, but sometimes he’ll tell me he can do it his way better.”

He doesn’t just catch. He bats third in the line-up.

We all have challenges. We all have our crosses to bear. But what marks our character is not how we act when things go well, but when things go pear-shaped. A friend of mine, retired senior Special Forces NCO, says that you can’t choose how tall you are, or how fast, or how smart, but you, alone, choose how tough you are. Luke Terry could have been a victim. Thanks to his parents and his personality, he chose to be a victor. Keep him in mind the next time the going gets tough.

The post Take a Break From Politics and Enjoy This Triumph of the Human Spirit appeared first on RedState.


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