
President Trump Unloads As Caravan Approaches: “Obama Made Changes That Basically Created NO BORDER” (VIDEO)

- April 04, 2018

President Donald Trump unloaded on Obama Tuesday, lamenting his predecessor enacted laws that “basically created no border.”

TRUMP: “It’s like we have no border because we have Obama make changes that basically created no border. It’s called catch and release. You catch them, you register them, they go into our country. We can’t throw them out and in many cases they shouldn’t be here. After they get, whatever happens over the next two-three years, they are supposed to come back to court. Almost nobody comes back to court. They’re in our country and we can’t do anything about it because the laws that were created by Democrats are so pathetic and so weak.”

President Trump told reporters Tuesday that he and Defense Secretary Mattis plan to send the U.S. military to the border with Mexico as a caravan of illegal immigrants approaches.

In the meantime, the caravan is reportedly still moving towards the U.S.

“Gina Garibo, an organizer with Pueblos Sin Fronteras, said the caravan was not over. They will continue to travel towards the US with asylum seekers.

“We will continue,” Garibo said. “

We have to follow through with our promise.”

““At the end of the day these people have the right to ask for asylum,” Garibo said.”

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