
Independence and Objectivity Are Basic Tenets of Any Investigation or Audit – The Mueller Witch Hunt Includes Neither! Shut It Down!

- April 01, 2018

Guest post by Joe Hoft

Auditors, attorneys, criminal investigators and inspectors all know that for a case, audit or investigation to be proper, it must be performed by individuals who are both independent and objective.   The Mueller witch hunt is neither and therefore flawed from the start!

Any professional in any field related to audits or investigations or legal cases knows that the tenets of independence and objectivity are paramount to ensuring that an audit, investigation or legal case is performed properly. Some fields mandate these principals and in the absence of independence or objectivity, those involved can lose their licenses and/or even be jailed.

Objectivity is defined as professional or business judgement not being swayed because of bias, conflict of interest or the undue influence of others’.

Independence generally is defined as being made up of two elements: ‘Independence of mind’ and ‘independence of appearance’. The former is still defined to include integrity, objectivity and skepticism. The latter is defined as being free from ‘facts and circumstances’ that would lead a reasonable and informed third party to conclude that integrity, objectivity or skepticism was compromised.

These definitions may vary slightly by profession but they are generally consistent. Lack of either can lead to corporate financials being misstated, investigations being botched and mistrials.  These are serious tenets and even the novice auditor knows that if there is even the slightest appearance of a breach in either, the auditor must recuse himself or be liable for serious legal consequences.

All professionals are aware of these facts and all professionals know the serious nature of when they are infringed upon in any of the aforementioned activities.

The Mueller witch hunt not only lacks the appearance of independence and objectivity but it lacks “independence of mind” – meaning it lacks integrity, objectivity and skepticism and is clearly corrupt and compromised.

The entire Mueller team is a Who’s Who of Liberal Activism.  We reported in August 2016 that the entire team was Trump haters.  Here is a summary of some of the known conflicts on the Mueller team –

  • Robert Mueller – Special Counsel Team leader.  — Best friend to fired leaker James Comey a key witness in the case and cohort at the FBI in assisting Mueller to enable the Clintons to get away with their many crimes. Also, as we uncovered in the Podesta emails, Mueller himself hand delivered uranium to Russians on an undisclosed airport tarmac in Europe.
  • Rod Rosenstein who is not on the Mueller team but supposedly oversees Mueller, signed off on a fraudulent FISA request months after President Trump was inaugurated. He also is involved in the Uranium One scandal.      
  • Rush Atkinson, an attorney on detail from the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section at the Department of Justice — Donated $200 to Clinton in 2016
  • Peter Carr – DOJ spokesman under Barack Obama.
  • Andrew Goldstein, a public corruption prosecutor on detail from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York — Worked under Trump-basher Preet Bharara in the liberal New York southern district.
  • Adam Jed, an appellate attorney on detail from DOJ’s Civil Division.   —  Defended Obamacare at the DOJ.
  • Peter Strzok – the lead investigator who oversaw the corrupted Hillary Clinton email scandal. He interviewed her, never took notes, never put her under oath and never recorded the interview. His text messages with Lisa Page show illegal activities and efforts to prevent President Trump from governing. He was removed from Mueller’s team after the IG found a couple sinister emails and notified Mueller.
  • Lisa Page, an attorney on detail from the FBI’s Office of the General Counsel and a former trial attorney with the Criminal Division’s Organized Crime and Gang Section – corrupt lover of Peter Strzok and a small sample of their text messages before and after the election clearly show efforts to frame President Trump and help Hillary Clinton win the election.
  • Elizabeth Prelogar, an appellate attorney on detail from the Office of the Solicitor General.  -Fluent in Russian; former law clerk to Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan.
  • James Quarles, a former partner at WilmerHale and a former assistant special prosecutor for the Watergate Special Prosecution Force.  –Former assistant special prosecutor on the Watergate Special Prosecution Force.
  • Jeannie Rhee, a former partner at WilmerHale who has served in the Office of Legal Counsel at DOJ and as an assistant U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia.  — Rhee is a Clinton Foundation Lawyer and former Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Office of Legal Counsel under Barack Obama.
  • Brandon Van Grack, an attorney on detail from the Justice Department’s National Security Division. Led a grand jury inquiry in Northern Virginia scrutinizing former Trump associate Michael Flynn’s foreign lobbying.
  • Andrew Weissmann, who is on detail from the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section and who has served as general counsel at the FBI and as an assistant U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York.  — Weissmann donated $2,300 to the Obama Victory Fund in 2008, $2,000 to the DNC in 2006 and at least $2,300 to the Clinton campaign in 2007.
  • Aaron Zebley, a former partner at WilmerHale who has previously served with Mueller at the FBI and has served as an assistant U.S. attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia.  Worked with Robert Mueller at the WilmerHale firm.
  • Aaron Zelinsky, an attorney on detail from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the District of Maryland.  — Worked under Assistant AG Rod Rosenstein in Maryland.
  • Zainab Ahmad, a top national security prosecutor on detail from U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Eastern District of New York.

As reported in October, these individuals and the Mueller investigation are a few of the many reasons that the FBI and DOJ are no longer considered honest entities but are rather groups led by corrupt and criminal scoundrels.  They are led by the deep state! 

President Trump knows that the Mueller investigation is a farce –

Last week AG Sessions announced that he was appointing an individual to look into the corruption in Washington.  But the individual reports to Rosenstein (who should be investigated) and is an Obama appointee.  Clearly the AG’s action lacks independence right now in appearance.  Something that should never happen at any level in the DOJ.

There are numerous reasons why the Mueller investigation is a farce or fraud.  There are even more reasons why the FBI and DOJ are corrupt.  Mueller will not recuse himself from the Trump investigation.  The entire investigation is not even based on US law and the Mueller team continues to break the law by leaking information to the press related to this fake investigation.  It’s even plausible that the entire investigation is in place to allow Mueller and his team the ability to destroy information related to their past criminal actions.

The Mueller investigation is the text book case for an investigation with no objectivity or independence being present. This investigation should be shut down and all culprits involved should be investigated by a truly independent and objective team of investigators, lawyers and auditors, brought to justice and thrown in jail.  What a mess!


The post Independence and Objectivity Are Basic Tenets of Any Investigation or Audit – The Mueller Witch Hunt Includes Neither! Shut It Down! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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