From a book no one will really read to a series of memos that don’t really do much of anything, James Comey appears to have worn out his welcome. Republicans don’t like him because he is leading a PR campaign against Donald Trump, and Democrats aren’t quite ready to forgive him for re-opening the Clinton investigation so late in the 2016 campaign.
For Trump, this should be a moment that he can celebrate a victory – one of his enemies is basically taking himself out by doubling down and going on a disastrous media tour. However, letting Comey take himself out is just not Trump’s style. He has to get the last word in, even when the conversation is so very clearly over.
James Comey’s Memos are Classified, I did not Declassify them. They belong to our Government! Therefore, he broke the law! Additionally, he totally made up many of the things he said I said, and he is already a proven liar and leaker. Where are Memos on Clinton, Lynch & others?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 21, 2018
This, from Saturday, is not only a dubious claim but an unnecessary one. There was no real reason for Trump to even go there. But, he couldn’t stop. Here he is on Sunday.
Kim Strassel of the WSJ just said, after reviewing the dumb Comey Memos, “you got to ask, what was the purpose of the Special Counsel? There’s no there there.” Dan Henninger of the WSJ said Memos would show that this would be one of the weakest obstruction cases ever brought!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 22, 2018
Why on earth are you still on this, Mr. President? You are extending Comey’s news cycle by merely commenting on him.
Sure, I mean Trump’s logic isn’t that hard to figure out: He needs… no, he craves an adversary. There are two types of people in Trump World, after all, and those are people who agree with Trump and people he can set up as an opponent to trash as much as possible just to get a rise out of his fans.
That’s not saying Comey isn’t a real adversary – he’s made it abundantly clear that he does not like Trump and his words and actions of late betray the already obvious politicization of his former job. Still, that doesn’t mean that Trump even has to acknowledge Comey. It’s very clear his star is falling at a rapid pace. He’ll be a footnote in history before much longer.
That is, of course, if Trump stops tweeting about him.
Trump has this obsession with constantly tweeting about things that anyone who isn’t slavishly devoted to Twitter or political gossip probably don’t care about in the grand scheme of things.
It isn’t just Comey. He does this all the time. Take this tweet for example.
The Washington Post said I refer to Jeff Sessions as “Mr. Magoo” and Rod Rosenstein as “Mr. Peepers.” This is “according to people with whom the president has spoken.” There are no such people and don’t know these characters…just more Fake & Disgusting News to create ill will!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 21, 2018
I had no idea about this story. I’ve been away from my computer all weekend. I find the idea of calling Jeff Sessions “Mr. Magoo” hilarious, and I am sad I missed it. But, the real world happens and on the weekends, many ordinary Americans are working, spending time with family, resting, and other non-political things. How many people actually read the Washington Post story?
Not nearly enough to warrant a response from the President of the United States, that’s for certain. But still, he goes out and comments on it. He can’t stop himself.
And when it comes down to issues like Comey, all Trump does is breathe new life into the subject when it should have died already. Every denial or response from Trump is just one more flood of “WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?!” reactions from the #Resistance waiting to happen.
Just stop it, Mr. President.
The post Donald Trump Is Ahead (For Once), So Why Is He Intent On Messing It Up? appeared first on RedState.