
AMAZING! President Trump’s Approval Rating Soars to 51% – Tops Obama by 5 Points at Same Time of His Presidency

- April 05, 2018

Despite over 90% negative media coverage, President Trump’s approval rating soared to 51% in Wednesday’s Rasmussen Presidential daily tracking poll.

Barack Hussein Obama’s approval rating was at 46% on April 4th, 2010 – and that was with the media slobbering all over him day in and day out.

President Trump told press pool reporters on Tuesday he will be guarding the Mexican border with our military.

Americans responded positively to Trump’s strong leadership.

Via Rasmussen:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove.

This is the president’s best overall job approval rating since April of last year. President Obama earned a 46% job approval rating on April 4, 2010, his second year in office.

On April 2nd, daily presidential tracking Rasmussen poll had President Trump at a 50% approval.

Barack Hussein Obama was at 46% at the same time of his presidency.

Americans respond to strong leadership despite the anti-Trump propaganda flooding from news outlets.

President Trump made a bold move Tuesday in his fight against illegal immigration and Americans approved.

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