
Who Poisoned Russian Agent Sergei Skripal? Who Had the Most Reason to Off Him? …Was it Russia or Deep State?

- Maret 10, 2018

On Wednesday, the Telegraph revealed Col. Sergei Skripal, the Russian double agent who was poisoned in Salisbury, England last weekend, has ties to the author of the infamous anti-Trump dossier and former British spy Christopher Steele.

TGP’s Josh Caplan reported on this latest development on Friday morning.

Sergei was poisoned last week in England.

The former spy was convicted in 2006 of spying for Britain and imprisoned in Russia. He was freed in 2010 as part of a swap in which the U.S. agreed to hand over 10 members of a Russian sleeper cell found operating in America in return for four Russians convicted of spying for the West.

According to Zero Hedge Sergei Skripal actually WORKED FOR Christopher Steele’s company in England.

The Telegraph understands that Col Skripal moved to Salisbury in 2010 in a spy swap and became close to a security consultant employed by Christopher Steele, who compiled the Trump dossier. –Telegraph

A recently deleted LinkedIn account revealed that the British security consultant is based in Salisbury, and his employer is Orbis Business Intelligence – Steele’s firm. Steele notoriously assembled a series of memos containing anti-Trump opposition research to Fusion GPS, the first seventeen of which were compiled into the unverified “Trump-Russia” dossier which the FBI relied on to obtain a spy warrant against a Trump campaign associate.

Skripal and his daughter are still in critical condition in a British hospital after the Salisbury poison attack that affected 21 people.

So who poisoned Sergei Skripal?

Who had the most to gain from his assassination?

Russia has denied the poison attack:

Russia’s foreign minister expressed resentment at suggestions Moscow was behind the attack and said the Kremlin was “ready to consider” lending a hand in any investigation, “whether it’s [about] poisoning of some British subjects, whether it’s rumors about interference in the U.S. election campaign.”

Skripal worked for Deep State Christopher Steele’s group linked to the phony Russia dossier.
Steele worked for the Hillary Campaign and DNC in 2016 and joined Deep State officials in their contempt of Republican Donald Trump.

It was Steele’s bogus dossier that the corrupt FBI-DOJ leaders used to spy on Trump, his family, his associates, his transition team and his administration.

So what did Skripal know about the Steele dossier?
Will we ever know?

Russia has a long history of poisoning its enemies.
But Deep State has more on the line if their phony Russia narrative is ever exposed.

Is Deep State desperate enough to kill those who might expose them?

The post Who Poisoned Russian Agent Sergei Skripal? Who Had the Most Reason to Off Him? …Was it Russia or Deep State? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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