
Prominent Black Lives Matter Leader GUILTY On SEX ABUSE Charges

- Maret 11, 2018

Micah Rhodes (center), wearing a Black Panther Party shirt, flanked by disgraced ex Portland police chief Mike Marshman and disgraced ex Mayor Charlie Hales, when the public was propping Rhodes up as a hero and covering for the rioters before they realized he was a registered sex offender

Prominent Black Lives Matter and anti-Trump activist Micah Rhodes has been found guilty of 2nd Degree Sex Abuse in a case involving an underage girl. The verdict came down this past Friday in Washington County, Oregon, just outside of Portland. Rhodes could face up to 5 years in prison, prosecutors are going for a 2-2 1/2 year sentence, and the judge could opt for as little as probation.

Rhodes has previously been convicted of sex abuse when he was a minor, and was on probation for such at the time of this second incident. Additionally, he was a registered sex offender. Strangely enough, however, he is not listed on the official sex offender registry.

Furthermore, Rhodes also faces another set of sex abuse charges in Multnomah County, this time involving an underage boy whom he met via Grindr.

Rhodes was instrumental in the planning of the election week protests and riots in Portland in the aftermath of Trump’s Presidential victory.

Rhodes had apparently made bail in these recent, and neither the Multnomah County nor Washington County inmate rosters show him currently in custody.

He is very likely back out on the streets.

Rhodes, alongside another prolific activist, Greg McKelvey, in court regarding still a separate matter, when they were arrested during a string protests in November, 2016.

Here’s a video from November 2016, when Rhodes was being haled as a brave hero for leading the anti-Trump protests.

The post Prominent Black Lives Matter Leader GUILTY On SEX ABUSE Charges appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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