
MASS EXODUS In Women’s March Membership, Pussy Hats Dry Up Over Ties To Known Anti-Semite

- Maret 19, 2018

WASHINGTON, DC- JAN 21- Groups gather for the Women’s March on Washington on Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017 in Washington, D.C. (For the Washington Post: Amanda Voisard)

Since Trump took office, its been hard to miss the pussy-hat clad obscenity-screaming violently moronic members of the Women’s March. While they have been vehemently anti-Christian, exposed racist anti-White sentiments, and believe that Trump is the second coming of Hitler, apparently the failure of its organizers to distance themselves from the Islamic-extremist and openly anti-semitic Louis Farrakhan was just too much for some members to handle.

This morning, the New York Post reports that top staffers and members and fleeing the Soros-linked alt-left organization in droves. The latest is their social media director Alyssa Klein who called Farrakhan “a dangerous troll” (which was previously my Media Matters given title). Klein stated that organizer’s complacency towards Farrakhan and their refusal to cut ties with him signify their “turning a blind eye to the hate spoken about a group of people.”

More via New York Post:

Regional branches in Canada, Florida and Washington, DC, have condemned the leadership’s unwillingness to speak out against Farrakhan. […]

The controversy erupted over a Farrakhan speech in Chicago Feb. 25 in which he called Jews “Satanic,” claimed they run the governments of the US and Mexico and are pursuing a “pot plot” to spread marijuana use among black men in a scheme to feminize them.

Farrakhan gave a shout-out to Mallory, who was in the audience for the three-hour rant and later posted photos from the event.

Carmen Perez, another Women’s March leader, is a Farrakhan fan who has apologized for him by saying, “There are no perfect leaders.”Mallory responded to anger over the speech by saying that she affirmed the “validity” of the feelings of those who were offended, and that she didn’t expect her presence at the speech “to lead anyone to question my beliefs.”

And Linda Sarsour, a controversial Palestinian nationalist and Women’s March organizer, spoke at a Nation of Islam event in 2015.

Mallory, Perez and Sarsour are backed by Women’s March board member and fashion designer Bob Bland, who tweeted in defense of Mallory that “being held directly accountable for the words of any man is misogynistic.”

That top leadership of the Women’s March won’t decry Farrakhan’s anti-Semitism, racism and homophobia enrages many of the group’s supporters.

“If . . . these Women’s March leaders are attending his sermons and cheering him on, they should be called out and removed from their roles immediately,” Brooklyn activist Tali Goldsheft told The Post.

Goldsheft is behind a Change.org petition that calls on Women’s March sponsors to cut ties to “hate” and seeks a purge of the movement’s leadership.

“You feel stabbed in the back. It feels like someone you trust just punched you in the gut . . . I’m really wounded,” said former Women’s March supporter Nisi Jacobs, 49, a Manhattan resident.

Jacobs, who helped draft the Change.org petition to depose Mallory and the rest of the Women’s March leadership, has launched an alternative group, Women’s March For All.

“I’d had enough,” Jacobs said.

The post MASS EXODUS In Women’s March Membership, Pussy Hats Dry Up Over Ties To Known Anti-Semite appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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