
EXCLUSIVE: Trump Aide Sam Nunberg Defends Roger Stone: Just Because Mueller Team Doesn’t Like Roger, “TOUGH SHIT!”

- Maret 06, 2018

Former Trump aide Sam Nunberg told the Washington Post today he will refuse to appear before a grand jury at the request of special counsel Robert Mueller.

Sam Nunberg later asked Jake Tapper on CNN why he should have to compile dozens of emails he exchanged with the likes of former White House strategist Stephen Bannon and Roger Stone during his time on the campaign.

Tonight Sam Nunberg spoke with The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft.

Sam Nunberg told Gateway Pundit he is not going to be part of any witch hunt against his close acquaintance against Roger Stone.

“Roger is a father to me and I’m not going to be a part of it. And just because they don’t like Roger, tough shit!” Sam said referring to Mueller and his team of leftwing attorneys.

Sam went on, “And I want to know if why they never asked Hillary Clinton’s people for sit-down interviews on her lost emails?”

Sam says they’re “not going to do shit.”

Mueller obviously doesn’t know what hit him here. Sam Nunberg just through a wrench into the witch hunt.

Earlier today CNN’s Erin Burnett accused Sam of having alcohol on his breath.

The post EXCLUSIVE: Trump Aide Sam Nunberg Defends Roger Stone: Just Because Mueller Team Doesn’t Like Roger, “TOUGH SHIT!” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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