
Eric Holder Sends Ominous Warning to Deep State DOJ and FBI Officials ‘Be Prepared It’s Going to Get Worse’

- Maret 19, 2018

Former Attorney General Eric ‘Fast and Furious’ Holder sent an ominous message to Deep State DOJ and FBI officials on Sunday.

Eric Holder isn’t taking the news of McCabe’s firing well. He knows he’s next.


Holder tweeted: I said about 8 months ago that the actions and integrity of the men & women at DOJ/FBI would be unfairly questioned. It’s happening. And it will get worse. Be prepared, be strong. You have the support of millions committed to truth, justice and the defense of this nation

Eric Holder is referring to a midnight tweet he sent out June 30th, 2017 warning career FBI and DOJ employees to ‘be prepared and stay strong.’

Attorney General Sessions’ decision to fire Andrew McCabe had nothing to do with President Trump.

As TGP’s Kristinn Taylor reported, Fox News’ Adam Housley said that the Inspector General-Office of Professional Responsibility report had uncovered “tons of stuff” on McCabe unrelated to the Trump investigation and that McCabe’s firing was a morale boost to FBI agents.

Adam Housley also reported the investigation into McCabe was not political and it started BEFORE Trump became president.

Housley also confirmed this had nothing to do with Trump’s tweets or Nunes’ memo and said much more will be revealed in the much-anticipated IG report which will be released shortly.

Perhaps Eric Holder is nervous because the Justice Department recently announced it officially entered into a “conditional settlement agreement” to “begin to produce additional documents related to Operation Fast and Furious” to the House Oversight Committee.

Holder’s Fast and Furious operation is responsible for over 200 murders including the death of border patrol agent Brian Terry and Mexican police chief Luis Lucio Rosales Astorga.

On June 29th, 2012, the GOP-led House voted to hold then-Attorney General Eric Holder in criminal contempt of Congress for failing to provide answers on Operation Fast and Furious.

It’s time for Eric Holder to be fully investigated and prosecuted.

The post Eric Holder Sends Ominous Warning to Deep State DOJ and FBI Officials ‘Be Prepared It’s Going to Get Worse’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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