A recent algorithm change has caused President Donald Trump’s engagement on Facebook posts to plummet a whopping 45%.
The change announced earlier this month has severely hurt Facebook traffic at top conservative sites – including this one.
However, liberal websites are reportedly not seeing a drop in traffic!
(In 2016 Facebook traffic accounted for roughly one-third of our TGP traffic. Today, although our traffic continues to grow our Facebook traffic continues to decline.)
According to a stunning report by Breitbart Tech’s Allum Bokhari, the decline in engagement on Trump’s Facebook cannot be attributed to a drop in posting frequency on the part of Trump.
via Breitbart Tech
“In the 13 days prior to Facebook’s algorithm change (28 Dec – 10 Jan), Trump made 67 posts, with no significant drop in engagement. After the change, Trump posted at roughly the same rate – between 59 and 67 posts in each 13-day period, but was still met with the dramatic decline in engagement seen above,” Breitbart reports.
The changes in the algorithm came following extreme pressure on the platform from Democrats who blame social media for Hillary Clinton’s election loss.
“You’ve created these platforms, and now they’re being misused, and you have to be the ones to do something about it … or we will,” Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein threatened Facebook prior to their changes.
In contrast, Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) do not appear to have suffered a comparable decline in Facebook engagement, reports Bokhari.
Facebook and other social media platforms, such as YouTube and Twitter, have been disproportionately censoring the right — and it seems that even the President of the United States of America is not exempt from Silicon Valley’s Orwellian agenda.
The post CONFIRMED: Algorithm Change Causes POTUS Trump’s Facebook Traffic to Plummet 45% – Sanders, Warren Traffic UNCHANGED! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.