This morning deputy White House press secretary Hogan Gidley was on Fox and Friends. Gidley used to work for Mike Huckabee and was Rick Santorums communications director in 2012. He was asked about the Mueller indictments:
Host: We move on to another topic. Yesterday, the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein a announced 13 indictments of individuals, three of companies. None of which were American, all of which were Russian, for their attempt to meddle in our elections. No word of collusion. What does this tell you about where the special counsel is and where they’re going?
Gidley: Well, several things here. First of all, we have to understand this began in 2014 under then-President Barack Obama’s nose who didn’t do a thing about it. Long before Donald Trump announced for president, this was going on. Also, it points out clearly that in this process there was no collusion as you just pointed out. The president said it multiple times. This makes it clear and concise for the American people. It proves the president correct. No collusion between Donald Trump his campaign and Russia. And also, I think this is important too it did not affect the outcome of the election whatsoever.
What the Russians are trying to do, as outlined by Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein, was create chaos in the American election system and I’ll just say this, there are two groups that have created chaos more than the Russians and that’s the Democrats and the mainstream media who continued to push this lie on the American people for more than a year and, quite frankly, Americans should be outraged by that.
Can’t say that I disagree with him. Everything in Mueller’s indictment could have been wound up by the FBI before Mueller was ever appointed. The fact that the Russians were allowed to operate and they weren’t indicted until now seems rather, well, curious and deserving of extensive explanation. And we know for a fact that the Democrats and their tools in the media have a lot invested in the collusion narrative and when it blows up on them, they are going to be left looking damned ridiculous unless they are able to lower the bar enough to make collusion out of anything. This ongoing investigation keeps the White House focused away from what would be its real priorities and that, I think, has been a feature of this investigation dating from the meeting held by Obama, Biden, Sally Yates, and James Comey two weeks before Trump was inaugurated.
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