
Michael Flynn Jr Reacts to Bombshell Report Comey Told Congress General Flynn DID NOT Lie Under Oath

- Februari 13, 2018

James Comey reportedly told lawmakers last year that FBI agents who interviewed General Michael Flynn did not believe that Flynn had lied to them.

General Flynn’s son, Michael Flynn Jr. reacted to Byron York’s bombshell report on Monday.

Deep state players Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok blindsided Flynn on January 24, 2017, with an unannounced questioning of Trump official. Typically, a lawyer for the National Security Council would be informed of such a meeting and be present for it. The unannounced meeting took General Flynn by surprise.

Yet weeks later lawmakers were told Flynn did not lie to the investigators.

General Flynn was later charged with making a false statement to the FBI and subsequently plead guilty.

Independent journalist Mike Cernovich tweeted out Byron York’s bombshell report with the caption, “General Flynn was framed”.

Michael Flynn Jr. responded to Mike Cernovich saying, “No comment…yet”

Flynn Jr. also unleashed on his Twitter account after the FISA memo was released on February 2nd.

Michael Flynn Jr. said, “I WANT JUSTICE!” after it was revealed Comey, McCabe and Rosenstein misled the FISA court in order to spy on Trump’s transition team which included General Flynn.

On January 31st Special counsel Robert Mueller requested the postponement of former National Security Advisor Gen. Michael Flynn’s sentencing.

General Flynn should be pardoned and then reimbursed for all of his legal fees.

The post Michael Flynn Jr Reacts to Bombshell Report Comey Told Congress General Flynn DID NOT Lie Under Oath appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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