As previously reported, Democrat Senator Mark Warner tried to organize a secret private meeting with Christopher Steele the author of the anti-Trump dossier.
Warner is the leading Democrat and Vice Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee.
Warner used the lobbyist of a Russian oligarch to organize the secret meeting.
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) immediately came to Senator Warner’s defense–and the internet responded.
FOX News reported:
Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee who has been leading a congressional investigation into President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia, had extensive contact last year with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch who was offering Warner access to former British spy and dossier author Christopher Steele, according to text messages obtained exclusively by Fox News.
Marco Rubio promptly came to his rescue and tweeted, “Sen.Warner fully disclosed this to the committee four months ago.Has had zero impact on our work.”
Sen.Warner fully disclosed this to the committee four months ago.Has had zero impact on our work. #FoxNews
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) February 9, 2018
Trump supporters savaged little Marco.
Sir, the issue is not whether he disclosed it to the COMMITTEE four months ago.
It issue is why it took the public four months to learn about this.
Please address THAT.
— Stealth Jeff (@drawandstrike) February 9, 2018
4 months ago was October 2017. The texts are from March 2017. This guy sat on the Committee & didn’t disclose he’d attempted these contacts for SEVEN MONTHS. Were you fine with that? And then the Committee didn’t disclose he’d made these contacts for FOUR more months.
— Stealth Jeff (@drawandstrike) February 9, 2018
Unless there’s an ongoing investigation of Sen. Warner for this, I hope you have a good reason for trying this ‘move along people, nothing to see here’ gambit.
Because it’s not going to work. Trust me on that.
— Stealth Jeff (@drawandstrike) February 9, 2018
What else hasn’t he disclosed, Mr.Rubio?
Did your precious Committee ask him to turn over ALL his comms with this oligarch , inc those through 2016?
Or did you just nod your heads and do nothing, as per usual?
Don’t even bother, we already know the answers. USELESS.
— Imperator_Rex (@Imperator_Rex3) February 9, 2018
Absolutely wrong.
Warner (D) wanted to secretly communicate with an ex-MI6 Moscow field agent, who was putting together a Russian dossier funded by Hillary Clinton and the DNC.#MarkWarner
— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) February 9, 2018
I wonder who is blackmailing marco rubio
— MAGA18 (@MustMAGA18) February 9, 2018
Doesn’t matter what “impact” on your work it had, the point is he accused Don Jr. of treason for the very thing he was guilty of doing.
— Righteous⚡Crusader (@Craftmastah) February 9, 2018
@marcorubio your running good cover for @MarkWarner collusion with Russia to have a fake dossier created so the DOJ and FBI can then take said dossier to the FISA court and get a warrant to spy on American citizens. #SwampThing
— Matt Carr (@goteamcarr) February 9, 2018
Don’t believe your, little Rubio.
— Lee Jackson (@Stonewall_77) February 9, 2018
Why are you DEFENDING him? It’s not when he told the committee but it’s WHAT HE’S DONE!
— melaniegore (@melaniesgore) February 9, 2018
The post Marco Rubio Defends Dem Senator Who Tried to Organize Private Meeting With Christopher Steele – Twitter Responds appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.