
MAGA Freakout: Trump Tweets Endorsement of…Mitt Romney?

- Februari 20, 2018

(AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

If there’s anything that proves Donald Trump loves a win more than anything else, it’s his latest endorsement of 2012 GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney for the U.S. Senate.

Romney announced last week he’d be running for (a.k.a. winning) the Utah seat being vacated after decades by Sen. Orrin Hatch this year.

Trump tweeted Monday evening:

“. has announced he is running for the Senate from the wonderful State of Utah. He will make a great Senator and worthy successor to , and has my full support and endorsement!”

Anyone with a memory longer than six months will recall Romney being held up as a figurehead of traditional Republicans who opposed Trump being the Party’s nominee.

Just over a year ago, conservatives and mainstream Republicans held their breath when Romney met Trump for dinner to ostensibly discuss a cabinet position — Secretary of State, to be exact — in the Trump administration. A position that ultimately went to Rex Tillerson.

Romney’s niece, Ronna Romney McDaniel, is the current Chair of the Republican National Committee.

That Pres. Trump has come full circle on an “Establishment” guy like Mitt Romney — who will likely win the seat Hatch is vacating simply because he’s Mitt Romney — as being great for the U.S. Senate, and in turn his administration, points to a visceral truth about Trump that many of his acolytes have yet to grasp: He cares about winners and winning more than he cares about any ideology.

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