The House Intelligence Committee released their classified FISA memo on Friday morning.
The House voted on Monday along party lines to share the explosive memo with the American public.
This comes after the approval of President Donald Trump.
** Read the entire un-redacted document here.
FOX legal analyst Gregg Jarrett went on Lou Dobbs Tonight this evening to discuss this explosive evidence of government and deep state corruption at the Department of Justice and FBI.
Gregg Jarrett says the main players in this scandal who lied to the FISA Court could face 10 years in prison.
Gregg Jarrett: Two different crimes committed there. One was perjury the other is abuse of power… Now we know they knew the dossier wasn’t authentic and reliable. They knew it came from Democratic money. They knew it was likely fabricated. And they knew they couldn’t get a FISA warrant without it… The other is abuse of power – ten years behind bars upon conviction.
Republican lawmaker Louie Gohmert said Comey, McCabe and Ohr should be in prison.
Via Lou Dobbs Tonight:
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