
CRINGE: David Hogg Asks Fake News Legend Dan Rather For Career Advice Live On CNN (VIDEO)

- Februari 26, 2018

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivor and gun control activist David Hogg and disgraced anchor Dan Rather joined CNN’s ‘Reliable Sources’ with host Brian Stelter Sunday.

During the course of the interview, Stelter asks Hogg about his future plans, even prompting the 17-year-old to ask the ‘God Father of Fake News’ for career advice. 

Credit: Maureen Dowling

STELTER: “I wonder David, I’ve been interested in your story because you were working for the TV station at school, you were the news director of the station. You have been thinking about getting into journalism. Are you thinking about trying to major in journalism some day or are you thinking about more of a political path?”

HOGG: “Yes, to both.”

STELTER: “To both. Still thinking about it.”

HOGG: “So honestly, what I’d like to do personally is I’d love to go somewhere like Harvard for poli sci or go to Northwestern for journalism. But, honestly, even a day after the shooting, I got rejected from one of my safety schools, Cal State Long Beach.”

STELTER: “It happens to all of us.”

HOGG: “Yeah, it does, it really does. But, um, I mean honestly, I wanna continue on. I wanna continue learning. I might have to take a gap year to during midterms to help out on these campaigns. I want to continue to change the world and the only way I’m going to be able to do that, the only way the American public is going to be able to do that, is through education.”

STELTER: “Anything you wanna know from Dan Rather?”

HOGG: “Got any advice?”

RATHER: “Writing is the bedrock of the craft. If you want to do anything in journalism, learn to write. Dedicate yourself to a lifetime of improving your writing. I can’t guarantee you’ll be famous and make a lot of money. But you can have a very satisfying career if you concentrate on writing.”

HOGG: “absolutely.”

The post CRINGE: David Hogg Asks Fake News Legend Dan Rather For Career Advice Live On CNN (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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