Dr. Ronny Jackson conducted a physical exam on the President and declared Trump to have excellent cognitive health and attributed it to incredible genes “it’s just the way God made him”.
Liberals and White House press reporters came unhinged.
Bloomberg reporter Shannon Pettypiece slurred her words as she asked Dr. Ronny Jackson about President Trump slurring his words in a recent speech.
Pettypiece slurred her words as she asked about Trump’s health.
Pettypiece asked, “There was an incident recently where the president appeared to slur his words while giving an address–did you look into what the cause of that might have been at all?”
Dr. Ronny Jackson said nothing was wrong with President Trump; he just needed a drink of water.
The liberals are upset about Trump’s good health or they simply don’t believe the doctor who conducted the report. These same reporters lashed out at conservative news sites such at The Gateway Pundit for reporting on Hillary’s obvious ill health during the 2016 presidential election.
Sure, president Trump could lose a few pounds, but he is a vibrant and energetic 71-year-old man.
If Trump were fainting, having coughing fits and seizures on camera like Hillary Clinton routinely does, the liberals and media would be reporting on the story around the clock.
Video via The Daily Caller:
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