Plan on taking a jaunt to North Korea? Better get your affairs in order then, says the U.S. State Department, because you might not make it out alive and there’s nothing the U.S. can do to help you.
According to Fox News, the State Department sent out an ominous notification to those about to take a trip to the communist hermit kingdom of North Korea. Within the notification, the State Department warned travelers that they should prepare for the fact that they may not make it home due to the deteriorated relationship between the U.S. and North Korea.
Thus, the State Department advised that before you depart for the communist country, fill out a will and make funeral arrangements:
“The U.S. government is unable to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in North Korea as it does not have diplomatic or consular relations with North Korea,” the State Department published Wednesday on its website.
Those who wish to travel to North Korea must be approved for a special validation, which are handed out on “very limited circumstances.” U.S. travelers given the approval to experience Kim Jong Un’s regime should then prepare for the worst — including drafting a will and making funeral and property arrangements with family and friends.
“Draft a will and designate appropriate insurance beneficiaries and/or power of attorney; discuss a plan with loved ones regarding care/custody of children, pets, property, belongings, non-liquid assets (collections, artwork, etc.), funeral wishes, etc.,” according to the recommendations.
North Korea has shown what they do with American prisoners. Last year, college student Otto Warmbier was returned to the U.S. so malnourished and diseased that he died shortly after his return to America.
And things don’t look like they’ll be getting any better. While talks between North and South Korea have begun — the first in two years — North Korea has been very adamant to keep its nuclear missile program an issue outside of discussion. That program is one of the main points of contention between North Korea and the U.S., and so long as the program is active, the U.S. will continue to impose sanctions upon the hermit kingdom.
In fact, one North Korean Official stated that war with the U.S. is “unavoidable” at this point.
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