
The First Saturday Night Live Cold Open of 2018 Does Not Disappoint

- Januari 14, 2018

With the events of the past week or two, we can assume the writers with Saturday Night Live were drunk from the cornucopia of material to work with.

As expected, Saturday night’s cold open covered everything from Michael Wolff’s book, “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” to the flameout of former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon.

OH… and Oprah.

The first cold open of 2018 lampooning MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” with some uncomfortable sexual tension between “Mika” and “Joe.”

Enter the always funny Fred Armisen as Michael Wolff.

Is the book based in truth, or not?


“There were baby races. Trump would ask to have two babies placed in his office, usually of different races. Someone would put a bowl of Goldfish crackers at the other side of the room. Trump would say, ‘A thousand bucks on the black one,’” he said.

Asked by the “Morning Joe” hosts if his story is truthful, Armisen’s Wolff responds: “You read it, right? And you liked it? You had fun? What’s the problem. You got the gist, so shut up. Even the stuff that’s not true was true.”

One of the wonderful things about Armisen’s comedy is his timing and the depth of comedy that can be conveyed just through his facial expressions.

Watch this portion of the skit and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.

The surprise entry was Steve Bannon, as played by a surprise appearance of Bill Murray.

“I never said Don Jr., was treasonous, and I certainly never said he’d crack like an egg on TV,” Murray’s Bannon chastised Armisen’s Wolff, before admitting, “Ok, that does sound like me, thank you, good reporting.”

Murray’s Bannon also shares his future plans now that he’s left Breitbart, which include a new show for Crackle called “Cucks in Cars Getting Coffee,” creating “wrinkled barn jackets called Frumpers for guys,” and a future skin care line called “Blotch.”

And as Kate McKinnon’s Mika Brzezinski lamented that we were doomed as a nation and no one was coming to save us – here comes OPRAH (SNL’s Leslie Jones).

Not nearly as funny as it could have been, but still, they jammed a lot into the segment, with Armisen being the absolute, laugh-out-loud jewel.

Check it out.

The post The First Saturday Night Live Cold Open of 2018 Does Not Disappoint appeared first on RedState.


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