Dirty cop Robert Mueller continues to waste tax payer money on his unconstitutional Russia witch hunt.
The Special Counsel interviewed the fiancee of Trump campaign volunteer George Papadopoulos, 29-year-old Italian lawyer Simona Mangiante.
Mangiante flew to Chicago to be with Papadopoulos and that’s when she was served with a subpoena. She couldn’t afford an $800 per hour lawyer so she decided to do the 2 hour interview without one.
Mueller’s team wanted to ask her about Joseph Misfud, a London-based professor who told George Papadopoulos in 2016 that the Russians had “political dirt” on Hillary Clinton.
Business Insider reported:
“It was something, just, unreal,” she said. “When he came to deliver my subpoena, my first reaction was to contact the Italian embassy.”
The embassy told her that they could find an American lawyer to represent her in Chicago. But the rate would be about $800 per hour — money she said she didn’t have. So she went into the interview without one.
“The interview lasted about two hours, and they asked a lot of questions about Joseph Mifsud,” Mangiante said, referring to the London-based professor who told Papadopoulos in April 2016 that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails.”
“It was shocking to me that they wanted me as a witness, but I have nothing to hide,” she added. “And I think they were happy with the interview.”
Mangiante and Papadopoulos met on LinkedIn last year after realizing they had a mutual connection, Mifsud.
The Italian lawyer briefly worked for Misfud and asked Papadopoulos about him.
“How do you know him and what does he do?” Mangiante asked Papadopoulos.
“Not even George really knew anything about him,” Mangiante said.
Papadopoulos was charged with making a false statement to the FBI and remains under house arrest.
The FBI didn’t charge him with ‘talking to Russians’ because it is not a crime. Ironically, Mueller’s charges against Papadopoulos proves speaking to Russians is not a crime which is why he had to nab him on another charge.
The media and Deep State are doing everything they can now to ignore the Hillary-funded dossier which is central to this entire Russia witch hunt.
The New York Times is claiming Papadopoulos is what sparked the Russia investigation. Their fake news article completely unraveled within hours of publication.
Even more pathetic, James Clapper said in a CNN interview that Papadopoulos was never even on his radar.
Robert Mueller is a dirty cop. He and others should be investigated for their involvement in the Uranium One scandal and arrested.
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