
NBC’s Peter Alexander Mansplains Middle East Peace to Nikki Haley

- Januari 26, 2018

I don’t like adopting the vernacular of the hirsute, man-hating, lesbian-because-I’m-butt-ugly SJW feminists who seem to think their genitalia is an adequate substitute for brains, ability, and effort. Having said that, sometimes they come up with a phrase that is so spot-on that it perfectly describes something in one or two words that would ordinarily take a couple of sentences.

Miriam-Webster says this about the neologism mansplaining:

Mansplaining is, at its core, a very specific thing. It’s what occurs when a man talks condescendingly to someone (especially a woman) about something he has incomplete knowledge of, with the mistaken assumption that he knows more about it than the person he’s talking to does.

Earlier today, Nikki Haley incinerated the feckless leadership of the Palestinian Authority. My colleague, Brandon Morse, has the story. After laying out about five minutes worth of the duplicity and corruption of Mahmoud Abbas and his merry bunch of terrorist kleptocrats, she finished up with this statement:

I ask here today, where is the Palestinian King Hussein? Where is the Palestinian Anwar Sadat? If President Abbas demonstrates he can be that type of leader, we would welcome it. His recent actions demonstrate the total opposite.

This, of course, refers to the two men who had the courage to make peace with Israel.

Then Peter Alexander chimes in.

This is so f***ing stupid that it beggars the imagination. The implication that Nikki Haley doesn’t know Sadat was assassinated speaks more to Alexander’s hubris about his own intellect than it does about Haley. Speeches like this are written with input across the government. Even if Haley was an idiot, which, unlike Alexander she isn’t, what she was reading was hammered out by State, by the NSC, probably by the Defense policy shop, and by the UN Mission. In short, actual experts worked on it.

Secondly, she refers to King Hussein and to Sadat. Notice how Alexander truncates her statement to remove the context and make himself seem like less of a douchebag.

Sadat’s assassination actually makes the case even stronger. Sadat knew his action was going to be dangerous for him. But he did it anyway because it was right for Egypt and that is what leadership is about. This is not unique to Sadat. On December 6, 1921, Michael Collins, commander of the Irish Republican Army, signed a peace treaty with Great Britain ending Ireland’s war of independence. As a price for freedom for most of Ireland, Nothern Ireland–Ulster–was allowed to opt out. Collins knew the decision was going to be unpopular. After signing the treaty he remarked:

Think — what have I got for Ireland? Something which she has wanted these past seven hundred years. Will anyone be satisfied at the bargain? Will anyone? I tell you this; early this morning I signed my death warrant.

Six months later Ireland was engaged in a bloody civil war. Eight months later Michael Collins was killed by former comrades in an ambush at Béal na Bláth, near Cork.

Alexander not only deliberately mangles Haley’s statement for the sake of some Twitter retweets, he also misses the point of his own criticism.

The post NBC’s Peter Alexander Mansplains Middle East Peace to Nikki Haley appeared first on RedState.


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