“Amnesty Don” is set to go above and beyond with his generosity to DACA-eligible immigrants.
President Trump is about to offer the pathway to citizenship to 1.8 million immigrants, in an extremely wishy-washy compromise with Democrats.
From The Washington Examiner:
Trump’s offer, which top policy adviser Stephen Miller pitched to House Republicans on Thursday, would offer a path to citizenship for far more than the 690,000 current DACA beneficiaries who the White House said one day earlier would be the focus of an agreement.
Trump said Wednesday that his administration would consider offering a path to citizenship for DACA beneficiaries in 10 to 12 years in exchange for funding for his promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, changes to the diversity lottery program, and limits on so-called chain migration. Democrats have been cool to those demands so far.
Limits on chain migration. Not an end.
He’s asking for $25 billion in U.S. taxpayer money to get that wall up, so along with trashing his campaign rhetoric on deportation, he’s also rolling on getting Mexico to pay for the wall.
Now, what taxes have to be raised, or what program has to be cut, in order to get the funding, he hasn’t said. I’m sure he’s still just flinging things out there, to see what sticks.
We’ve already seen some ripples of disapproval from the base. We have Breitbart to thank for the new nickname, “Amnesty Don.”
Here’s a thought: Could this news somehow redeem Steve Bannon?
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