The Umpteenth Annual Golden Globes Awards pretty much lived down to expectations and predictions. There were plenty of celebrity worshipers on Twitter but not everyone was thrilled with the way the evening went. Here’s a recap of the night in tweet form.
Legal Insurrection reporter Mary Chastain was not here for the mass memory-hole that seemed to strike Hollywood Sunday night.
— Mary Elizabeth (@mchastain81) January 7, 2018
And neither was Jenna Jameson.
I found absolutely NOTHING about the #goldenglobes courageous or groundbreaking when it comes to standing up for women who have endured rapes and sexual attacks. They couldn’t even muster up enough courage to call anyone out by name. #YouAllKnew
— Jenna Jameson (@jennajameson) January 8, 2018
Some people don’t take kindly to lectures from rich folk.
Call me skeptical, but I have trouble believing celebrities wearing dresses that cost more than my car really are the virtuous voices of the oppressed. #GoldenGlobes
— Sarah Rumpf (@rumpfshaker) January 8, 2018
And some people drew the line at pedophilia. Something Hollywood doesn’t like to do.
They’re dogging Kevin Spacey while they celebrate a movie featuring a romantic relationship between a grown man and a teen boy. #goldenglobes
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) January 8, 2018
So they’re simultaneously insulting Spacey to show how not like him they are, while they celebrate a scenario Spacey would be all about. Hollywood is hypocrisy. #goldenglobes
— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) January 8, 2018
What color will Hollywood be wearing to the next awards ceremony in honor of the victims of pedophilia? #AnOpenSecret
— Kira (@RealKiraDavis) January 8, 2018
Mary Katherine Ham had some sound advice.
Write down all these names for future “turned out he was a molester” BINGO. Best #goldenglobes drinking game of 2019.
— Mary Katharine Ham (@mkhammer) January 8, 2018
Some people didn’t seem to understand that #MeToo is only meant for women privileged enough to live in the Hollywood bubble.
While plastic women walk around in $25K 'black protest gowns' demanding higher pay and stuff in the Middle East somewhere real live women are being threatened with stoning, hanging, honor killing and mutilation. Party on self-obsessed Hollywood. #tcot
— Jeannie-ology (@jeanniology) January 8, 2018
Elizabeth Moss won for her role in “The Handmaids Tale” and naturally had to comment how Trump’s America is oh-so-close to the dystopian future in the Hulu show.
OMG STAHP. #TheHandmaidsTale is NOT going to become real. Not even if Trump gets reelected. (shudder). Y’all sound so silly.
I remind you that the majority of voters in this country are women. We aren’t going to vote for that system. Quit being drama queens. #GoldenGlobes
— Sarah Rumpf (@rumpfshaker) January 8, 2018
Honestly, I kind of wish THE HANDMAID’S TALE would become real just so I could stop hearing people talk about THE HANDMAID’S TALE becoming real.
— Sonny Bunch (@SonnyBunch) January 8, 2018
Three months ago Hollywood began a continuous and ongoing brutal tell-all, against its will, revealing the depravity, sadism, and sexual abuse widespread in their industry.
Tonight, they congratulated themselves for fighting to keep "Handmaid's Tale" from coming true.
— Caleb Howe (@CalebHowe) January 8, 2018
Let’s not forget that Moss belongs to one of the most abusive and shadiest “religions” on the planet.
Elisabeth should then speak out on the Church of Scientology's practice of silencing victims of sexual violence. As a prominent Scientologist what she says will hold a lot of weight. I won't hold my breath.
— Yashar Ali
(@yashar) January 8, 2018
Not one person bothered to thank Ronan Farrow for his groundbreaking reporting that made #MeToo possible. Not one.
It’s weird to see you celebrate her speech on Weinstein behavior in Hollywood when you basically spiked @RonanFarrow ’s stories that brought it all about and he had to air them elsewhere and pay for a camera crew himself.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) January 8, 2018
Connie Britton used her wardrobe to send a message.
I’ll be damned if I’m going to endure lectures by vapid leftists like this, who work in an industry that worshipped Woody Allen, and fronted by Meryl Streep, who gave Roman Polanski a standing ovation and called Harvey Weinstein a “god,” while knowing every single thing he did
— Cameron Gray (@Cameron_Gray) January 8, 2018
Brandon Morse thought the losers deserved their own recognition.
Tonight’s #goldenglobes losers ranked:
5. The viewers
4. Victims who are now a Hollywood prop
3. Anyone forced to watch “Call Me By Your Name” and say it was good
2. Actual “wage gap” facts
1. Whoever is in charge of the wrap-it-up music— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) January 8, 2018
Oprah got the Lifetime Achievement award and apparently NBC has big plans for the Queen of TV.
Nothing but respect for OUR future president. #GoldenGlobes
— NBC (@nbc) January 8, 2018
Natalie Portman took time to be snarky about the Best Director’s category being all men (as if that were their fault).
Natalie Portman is offended that every #GoldenGlobes nominated director this year is a man, even though women directed just 7% of the 250 highest grossing films last year.
— Michael Knowles (@michaeljknowles) January 8, 2018
There were plenty of self-congratulatory speeches and the word “brave” came up a lot.
Reese Witherspoon, for "Big Little Lies", brought up bravery (again) and mentioned abuse victims. "We hear you, and we will tell your stories!" Bravely avoids anyone by name and says tell their stories, means creating poduct off their pain, and not actually helping anyone.
— Brad Slager
(@MartiniShark) January 8, 2018
Let’s give it up for Ronan Farrow one more time.
Yes. Very telling that everyone's been patting each other on the back for their color palette and new #MeToo charities and not one person has bothered to mention @RonanFarrow, who arguably is THE reason all this is happening #GoldenGlobes #ForShame
— Kira (@RealKiraDavis) January 8, 2018
But surely we will all wake up in a different world tomorrow thanks to the very “brave” Golden Globes crowd.
So did all of those black dresses and vague pronouncements accomplish anything? What's the plan to fix this, Hollywood? #GoldenGlobes #MeToo
— Jennifer Van Laar (@jenvanlaar) January 8, 2018
The post Did the Golden Globes Measure Up to Expectations? Twitter Decides appeared first on RedState.