In recent years, CNN has left the arena of impartial reporting to be full-on gun control advocates in the media. The station’s Brooke Baldwin is no exception.
On her show Wednesday, Baldwin was on air as the White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders held one of her frequent briefings at the White House, which CNN cut away to.
During the briefing, NBC reporter, Peter Alexander, asked Sanders why the President, in the wake of the attack at a Kentucky high school earlier in the week that left two dead and over a dozen wounded, wasn’t commenting on the tragedy himself or advocating for new gun control policies
Sanders explained that the Justice Department ordered the Bureau of Alcohol, Tabacco and Firearms to “conduct a thorough review of a number of firearm provisions.” She also restated the fact the policy review and discussion were already taking place. Sanders ended the briefing upon finishing her answer.
That response was no good and clearly not enough for Brooke Baldwin, who once back on screen demanded to know what the president was doing about gun violence in America.
“Where is he?” she wanted to know.
What Baldwin would like the president to do, beyond give lip service to gun control, that he’s not already doing she doesn’t say.
The shooter in Kentucky was a fellow classmate, and therefore not old enough to have legally owned, obtained, or transported the handgun he used in his murderous spree.
What gun policy, within the confines of the Bill of Rights, that doesn’t already exist could’ve stopped this teen? That’s the question that never seems to be sufficiently answered by Baldwin and others who insist something be done.
The fact remains something is being done. It’s just not hair-on-fire, unconstitutional, restrictive policies that they’d like.
The post After Kentucky School Shooting, Brooke Baldwin Asks A Ridiculous Question Of Trump appeared first on RedState.