
Sean Spicer Is Back, and What He’s Willing to Do for Obama Is Amazing (Video)

- Desember 23, 2017

There’s a bigger message here, and in fact, he’s not wrong.

In an appearance on Fox Business News, former White House press secretary Sean Spicer discussed this ugly season we find ourselves in, where tribalism and partisanship have rendered us into warring factions, with no middle ground. Everything is a battlefield, and no one can see past the party line to reach out in our humanity.

Ok. I was embellishing, a bit. He didn’t go that deep.

Asked about recent comments by actor Tom Hanks, who said he wouldn’t attend a White House screening of his new movie, “The Post,” in protest of the existence of a President Trump, however, he did have comments about supporting our leaders, regardless of party affiliation.

From the Washington Examiner:

“If President Obama called me today and said ‘hey come mow my lawn,’ I’d do it because I think that there’s something that we all should come together as Americans and want to support our leaders, our elected officials, Republican [or] Democrat,” Spicer told Fox Business Network on Thursday.

I’m going to say that was a stretch, for the purpose of making his point. I kind of hope Obama doesn’t take him up on it. Supporting our leaders doesn’t mean doing their landscaping or housekeeping.  I get why he said it, however, and it’s not a bad point to make.

It seems the man has found some time for peaceful reflection, since leaving the mania of the Trump White House, and it’s paying off.

Good on ya, Spicey.

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