
Putin Calls Pres. Trump to Thank Him for CIA Intel That Stopped Terror Attacks in Russia

- Desember 18, 2017

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders confirmed reports Russian President Vladimir Putin called President Trump Sunday morning to thank him for CIA intelligence that foiled terror attacks in St. Petersburg, “Can confirm @POTUS and President Putin spoke today. Readout from the WH coming shortly.”

Sanders made her statement in a reply to the AP’s Zeke Miller who posted an AP reports that said, “MOSCOW (AP) – The Kremlin says Russian President Vladimir Putin called Donald Trump to thank him for a CIA tip that thwarted bombings.”

The Washington Post reported on the Kremlin’s statement on the call.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday phoned President Trump to thank him for a tip from the CIA that thwarted a terrorist attack being planned in St. Petersburg, the Kremlin said…

Putin told Trump that the information provided by the CIA allowed Russian law enforcement agencies to track down and detain a group of suspects that was planning to bomb the centrally located Kazan Cathedral and other crowded parts of Russia’s second-largest city.

Putin asked Trump to pass along his gratitude to the CIA and the American intelligence agents who received the intelligence, the Kremlin said. It said that Putin also told Trump that “if Russian special services obtain any information on terrorist threats against the United States and its citizens, they will definitely and immediately pass it to American counterparts through partner channels.”

Trump called Putin on Thursday to thank him for his remarks in a press conference crediting Trump’a actions strengthening the U.S. economy and to talk about North Korea according to the White House. (Perhaps the call touched on other matters and this was a cover story in part.)

Featured Image via Fox News screen grab/Twitter.

UPDATE: White House releases readout of call.

“President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia called President Donald J. Trump today to thank him for the advanced warning the United States intelligence agencies provided to Russia concerning a major terror plot in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Based on the information the United States provided, Russian authorities were able to capture the terrorists just prior to an attack that could have killed large numbers of people. No Russian lives were lost and the terrorist attackers were caught and are now incarcerated. President Trump appreciated the call and told President Putin that he and the entire United States intelligence community were pleased to have helped save so many lives. President Trump stressed the importance of intelligence cooperation to defeat terrorists wherever they may be. Both leaders agreed that this serves as an example of the positive things that can occur when our countries work together. President Putin extended his thanks and congratulations to Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Mike Pompeo and the CIA. President Trump then called Director Pompeo to congratulate him, his very talented people, and the entire intelligence community on a job well done!”

The statement was not immediately posted to the White House website.

The post Putin Calls Pres. Trump to Thank Him for CIA Intel That Stopped Terror Attacks in Russia appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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