
Jeff Flake: I Voted for Tax Cuts After GOP Leaders Promised DACA Amnesty

- Desember 03, 2017

Guest post by John S. Roberts at Right Observer:

It’s almost as if Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake doesn’t understand why he’s not running for re-election in 2018.

Well, Jeff, THIS is why – Republicans don’t want to see illegals given amnesty!

From Breitbart:

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) has revealed that he’s been promised an amnesty for nearly 800,000 illegal aliens by the Senate Republican leadership so long as he votes in favor of a year-end tax reform bill.

In a statement, Flake — a longtime advocate for mass immigration and amnesty — said he was originally going to vote against the tax reform plan, but was promised by GOP leadership that if he voted in favor of the bill, he would be backed later on by leadership with a plan to give amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who have been shielded from deportation by the President Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

More on Flake, per Downtrend:

Arizona Senator Jeff Flake continues to wage his scorched earth campaign against President Donald Trump and the media continues to treat this pathetic loser like he was Lady Gaga.

Flaky Flake who is about as popular in his home state as late-stage colorectal cancer wedged his way into a slow news cycle on the afternoon before Thanksgiving by ripping Trump for his Tuesday comments that were seen to be supportive of Alabama iconoclast Judge Roy Moore.

More, via The Hill:

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) criticized President Trump for backing Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore (R) despite numerous allegations of sexual misconduct.

Speaking on Fox News Radio’s “The Brian Kilmeade Show,” Flake said Trump “made a big mistake” Tuesday by supporting Moore.

“I think he should distance himself from Roy Moore, even if it means loosing that seat,” Flake told host Brian Kilmeade.

“I am on record saying I’d rather vote for a write-in Republican, I’d rather keep that seat Republican,” Flake added, “but if the choice was between Roy Moore and a Democrat, I would vote for the Democrat if I lived in Alabama.”

It’s a good thing that Flake is retiring. He made a fool out of Arizonans for far too long. Let’s just hope the GOP doesn’t provide the amnesty to which Flake is referring.

The post Jeff Flake: I Voted for Tax Cuts After GOP Leaders Promised DACA Amnesty appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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