This sounds messy.
So we’ve determined that former Trump campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski hasn’t rehabilitated himself, when it comes to putting his hands on women.
In fact, after the incident with then-Breitbart reporter, Michelle Fields, where Lewandowski put his tiny little mitts on Fields’ arm and nearly pulled her down, as she approached candidate Trump for a question, I’d say he has no reason to change. Trump fans were at their inglorious worst, as they immediately swarmed to defend a fellow Trumpian.
That is, Michelle Fields was called a liar, had her character besmirched, received death threats, and eventually walked away from her job, because they wouldn’t stand by her.
(This was while Bannon was still in his planning stages of taking over the world.)
Simple battery charges were dropped in that case in Florida.
(That would be Florida, where Pam Bondi, of the “I got a fat campaign contribution from Trump” is District Attorney.)
So what happens when Lewandowski shows the same, despicable character towards a fellow Trumpian?
On Friday the first stories hit of Joy Villa’s claims of having been inappropriately touched by Lewandowski, after meeting him at an invite-only party, in celebration of Trump’s first year as president.
You can read that story here, but to recap:
Villa and a friend approached Lewandowski. The pro-Trump singer and the former campaign manager had never met.
Villa claims that Lewandowski appeared dismissive, rolled his eyes when she mentioned a photo together. Someone else, apparently eager to show two Trump supporters together pushed them together for the photo, however.
“I’m wearing this silver suit and stretchy pants, and after the photo, he smacks my ass really hard,” Villa told Politico. “It was completely demeaning and shocking.”
Villa says she told him she would report him for sexual harassment.
Boy, did she misread the crowd.
They were there to celebrate a man who was accused by over a dozen women of some form of sexual misconduct and was on audio saying his celebrity allowed him to grab women by the privates.
Female Trumpers wore “He can grab me by my p***y” shirts to his rallies.
YOU still stood by him, Villa, so it’s kind of ironic that you bought into that attitude, and now you’re a victim.
In fact, after saying she’d report him, Lewandowski arrogantly slapped her behind again.
That doesn’t mean when one of Trump’s other minions takes advantage of what he feels is his right that you don’t get to be offended, or have the right to justice.
She told Politico that she had intended to file a sexual harassment claim, but spoke with a detective who told her that the alleged incident was assault and should be filed as such.
“The detective I talked to said that sexual harassment is what happens in the workforce,” Villa told Politico. “The detective told me, ‘what you describe happened to you is sexual assault.’”
And it may not be the worst case of assault, but he still put his hands on her, uninvited.
Villa has other concerns.
Villa told Politico that she was concerned that Lewandowski would “badmouth” her if she came forward with the accusations. She is currently pursuing a congressional bid in Florida.
“I feared that [filing a claim] could backfire on me,” she told Politico on Tuesday. “Ten times out of 10 the woman gets blamed no matter what.”
I don’t know if I would say that. It may depend on who’s being accused and who’s doing the accusing.
I can’t wait to see how this one is handled.
The post Friendly Fire: Former Trump Campaign Manager Faces Sexual Assault Charges appeared first on RedState.