He doesn’t have a clue.
That is, the man America’s Evangelical community gambled their witness to the world on, and continue to treat as a holy prophet, Donald Trump, has no clue about what should be important to the Christian community.
To be fair, as he has no relationship other than what Christians can do for him, politically, with Christianity, or the Messiah whose birth is celebrated at Christmas, we shouldn’t expect him to have a clue.
Knowing all this, however, he really needs to stop pushing this Fox-fueled narrative of a “war on Christmas” that isn’t.
As I’ve said many, many times, the First Amendment has always protected our right to say “Merry Christmas,” and I can’t think of anybody I know who has ever been restricted from saying it.
I certainly never stopped, nor have I experienced any negative blowback because of it.
In the grand scheme of things, it’s not important, at all.
Trump, however, sees himself as a general, leading this all-important battle and emerging triumphant.
That would be Trump, who had his rich daddy get him five deferments from serving in the military, because of a sore foot.
People are proud to be saying Merry Christmas again. I am proud to have led the charge against the assault of our cherished and beautiful phrase. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 25, 2017
I guess he needs something to cling to, so when he goes and visits all these brave men and women in military hospitals, some with grave injuries and no rich daddies, he can really relate to them. They have their IED injuries and he can tell them how he bravely fought the culture wars to free up words people have been using for decades with no problem.
You know… because he saw it on Fox News.
Earlier Sunday, during a video conference with soldiers overseas, Trump wished U.S. troops a “very, very merry Christmas,” adding that the country is saying “merry Christmas, again, very, very proudly.”
If you’re saying “Merry Christmas” proudly, then you’re saying it with arrogance and no grasp of the meaning of Christmas.
We were given a gift we did not deserve. The best of God was sent to us, not because we were worthy of God’s best, but because we were loved, in spite of ourselves. That should humble us, not make us arrogant. When we say “Merry Christmas,” it should be out of an abundance of love and appreciation for what was given to us, not to rub it in somebody’s face that may not agree with us.
Trump has a horrible attitude, and everybody he comes near rots because of the association.
That includes the witness of American Christians.
I told you about Open Doors USA on Friday. It’s a charity that monitors and seeks to raise awareness of persecution of Christians around the world.
Saying “Merry Christmas” is very small on their list of priorities, as Christians literally dying for their faith.
If Donald Trump wants to truly be a warrior for Christians, let him talk about real persecution.
At minimum, let him do what George W. Bush did.
Keeping in mind that Trump and his loyalists have slammed the 43rd president as a “neo-con” but hail Trump as a conquering king:
Instead of praising China’s oppressive regime, let Trump go to a public square, as Bush did, get on his knees with leaders of China’s house church movement, and pray.
Something that is illegal to do.
Bush prayed, and spoke publicly, asking the government of China, the 39th most oppressive world regime for Christians, to let Christians worship freely.
“Merry Christmas” and the culture wars of America’s church will not win souls.
Please pray for the ACTUAL persecuted church.
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