What a week it has been for Alabamians.
On Tuesday, the long-awaited special election for a vacant U.S. Senate seat was held. Democrat Doug Jones beat Republican Roy Moore in what turned out to be a very close race. Though the margin of victory was greater than the percentage that requires an automatic recount, as of now Moore refuses to concede and continues his reign of arrogance and embarrassment.
Just go away, Roy.
While his former opponent continues to be a crybaby, winner Doug Jones is busy traversing the political talk show circuit. And he’s making some surprising statements along the way.
Earlier, Carl Arbogast wrote of Jones’ refusal to state whether he believes President Trump should resign due to allegations of sexual misconduct. In the same interview, Jones surprised the audience again and made a statement that is sure to confuse and/or anger Democrats and cause fits of laughter among Republicans.
Sen.-elect Doug Jones (D-Ala.) on Sunday said he will “of course” consider voting with Republicans on certain issues once he is sworn into the upper chamber.
He also pledged to look for areas where he can work across the aisle.
“Of course I do,” Jones told CNN’s “State of the Union” when asked if he will have to weigh voting with Republicans due to his state’s strong Republican base.
…the Alabama Democrat said he should not be expected to vote with either party uniformly.
“Now, don’t expect me to vote solidly for Republicans or Democrats,” he said..
That is fine, and well, and good, but I don’t buy it all that much.
As a conservative who is currently politically homeless, I view both sides with much skepticism. The party letter next to a candidate’s name does nothing for me. Principles lead the way and a politician will not automatically receive my support just because of party affiliation.
That is why neither Trump nor Hillary captured my vote on November 8, 2016.
Jones is in an interesting position. He’s the winner of a special election in a usually very red state. He should thank Moore for bringing him a win. Jones secured victory because his Republican opponent’s alleged past behavior and present dismissal of same encouraged voters to opt-out or write-in. In many eyes, Jones became the lesser of two evils.
Of course, for those of us who actually care what someone stands for, Jones was not an attractive choice. Though a moderate Democrat in some areas, his clear pro-abortion stance turned many away from supporting him altogether, and rightly so.
Sure, Jones may cross the aisle on some issues, such as infrastructure (which he alluded to in the Tapper interview), but issues that really matter? To his constituents, plenty of whom are Republicans, from a red southern state? Ehh, don’t bet on much of anything.
That matters little, though. The point is, the boring, scandal-free Democrat guy who narrowly beat the Evangelically-loved Republican judge with a past will “of course consider voting with Republicans.”
And that is purely meant to settle the hearts of the reluctant GOPers who just couldn’t pull a lever for good ‘ol boy Roy.
What matters now is that the GOP’s majority in the Senate shrunk by one. Republicans should blame party leadership for pushing Roy Moore through to election day when he should clearly have excused himself long before then.
On the issues that matter, one should not expect Jones to cross party lines. He’s just attempting to comfort the nervous Republicans in his audience.
After all, he is a winning politician.
The post AL Special Election Winner Doug Jones (D) Is Still Campaigning appeared first on RedState.