
Trump’s Proud Return After Twitter’s “Rogue Employee” Takes Him Offline

- November 03, 2017

Pictured: Donald Trump’s morning routine.

Over the course of last night, social media blew up with the news that a rogue Twitter employee took Donald Trump’s Twitter account offline as his final act of defiance against The Man. Twitter acknowledged the breach of conduct, though as Caleb pointed out, their original claim that it was “inadvertent” did not actually pan out.

This morning, Donald Trump took to Twitter to express what I can only describe as pride at being taken offline. To Trump, that is a sign that he’s being silenced because he’s spreading the Good Word.

I mean, say what you want about his alleged temper, but Trump is nothing if not proud to be hated, and a member of #TheResistance taking his Twitter account offline from Twitter HQ is a pretty big hit.

I have a theory, of course, that this is more than a “rogue employee.” I will be sending a FOIA request to the White House asking for details on how much John Kelly paid this employee to keep the President off Twitter. I will let you know when I have the answers America deserves.

Happy Friday, everyone. And buckle in.

The post Trump’s Proud Return After Twitter’s “Rogue Employee” Takes Him Offline appeared first on RedState.


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