
Teen Vogue’s Print Edition Is Getting Shut Down

- November 02, 2017

Media company Conde Nast is trying to move more into the digital realm, and as a result, some of its worst magazines are going to have to see their print edition cease. This includes the totally “woke” Teen Vogue.

According to WWD, Conde Nast’s hiring freeze will now include slashes to the budget, eliminating 80 jobs. What’s more, the worst performing magazines will get a 20% reduction in their staff.

While some magazines will just see a frequency decrease, Teen Vogue is getting the boot:

According to sources, GQ, Glamour, Allure and Architectural Digest will go from 12 issues to 11; Bon Appétit will go from 11 issues to 10, and W and Condé Nast Traveler will now have eight issues, down from 10. Teen Vogue, which had published five issues a year, will close its print edition.

Over the course of Donald Trump’s presidency, Teen Vogue has acted as a teen’s version of Salon. Articles encouraging girls to get abortions, and what gifts to give them after killing off their own baby have caused uproars around the United States. Articles have been shown to teens that encourage them to buy vibrators and lube. Let’s not forget that the magazine gave teens an instructional guide to anal sex.

It could be that many of its readers are no longer buying the print edition of the magazine, choosing instead to hit up Teen Vogue’s website, where you can find the articles I listed above. While the print edition is failing, the online version of the magazine is seeing a huge growth.

Interestingly enough, the politics section of Teen Vogue is outpacing the entertainment section. Teen Vogue’s attempt to get its readers “woke” is seemingly working out just fine, and so long as Donald Trump is in office, Teen Vogue will never be short on subjects to write on.

But it remains to be seen what will happen to Teen Vogue in the future, as Conde Nast overall continues to see a decline, and is forced to make more cuts. The company has been plagued with layoffs and replacements, as well as troubles with leadership. The company is seemingly looking to cut the fat everywhere it can, and even consolidate positions to reduce the headcount according to WWD.

So despite the magazine shuttering its doors due to horrible sales, and its readers more apt to click on their links than turn their pages, the increased traffic on their site might not be enough to make up for the difference.

Time will tell, but maybe being “woke” isn’t enough to keep a business afloat.

The post Teen Vogue’s Print Edition Is Getting Shut Down appeared first on RedState.


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