
Paul Ryan Challenger Paul Nehlen Calls BS on Lib Media’s Disgusting Smears Against Judge Moore

- November 09, 2017

Alabama Judge Roy Moore won the Republican senate primary to replace Jeff Sessions in September.

Judge Moore is a conservative favorite. Establishment Republicans fear him.

On Thursday the far left Washington Post accused Judge Moore of dating a 14 year-old girl in 1979.

Judge Moore has denied the charges.

GOP Senate Leader Mitch McConnell refused to defend Moore today and without any knowledge on the story suggested Moore step down if true.

Republican Trump supporter Paul Nehlen called b*llshit on today’s desperate hit piece on Judge Moore.

Paul Nehlen is challenging Paul Ryan in the Wisconsin GOP primary.

Paul Nehlen told The Gateway Pundit today:

“I’m calling bullshit on the Judge Moore accusations,” says Paul Nehlen, the true conservative challenger to Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 1st congressional district. “This is a desperate ploy by Mitch McConnell using the Paul Ryan / Dan Senor playbook utilized to bring down candidate Trump with the Billy Bush tapes. It didn’t work with Trump, it won’t work with Moore.”

The post Paul Ryan Challenger Paul Nehlen Calls BS on Lib Media’s Disgusting Smears Against Judge Moore appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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