
Martin Gottesfeld: “My Harvard-affiliated prosecutors cowered in shame before pictures of girl Harvard paralyzed/tortured”

- November 11, 2017

Martin Gottesfeld was featured by Infowars for defending Justina Pelletier  when she was maimed at Harvard-affiliated Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH), leading to his imprisonment without bail by a Harvard-affiliated judge and Obama-appointed prosecutors. See FreeMartyG.com, the FreeMartyG Facebook page, and the @FreeMartyG Twitter account for more info.


Federal prosecutors Adam Bookbinder (left) and David D’Addio (right), both appointed during Harvard graduate Barack Obama’s administration, couldn’t bring themselves to look at pictures of Justina Pelletier, who was paralyzed at Harvard’s Boston Children’s Hospital.| Adam Bookbinder at a privacy and cybersecurity conference and David D’Addio at Avvo

My question as to whether or not Adam Bookbinder and David D’Addio have any shame seems to have been answered. These are the federal prosecutors who let $2 billion Harvard-affiliated Boston Children’s Hospital torture and paralyze Justina Pelletier.

While I was on my way into a hearing facing allegations I defended Justina’s life at the financial expense of the place that put her in a wheelchair, my lovely and very brave wife Dana was in the courtroom with a pair of enlarged pictures of Justina both before and after her medical kidnapping by Boston Children’s Hospital. As the U.S. Marshal took the cuffs off of me, Dana raised her arms holding the pictures for everyone to see (including our local ABC affiliate, WCVB channel 5 Boston).

I, in turn, pointed at Justina’s image in her wheelchair and asked Adam Bookbinder, a Harvard Law grad and the chief of cybercrime for the Boston U.S. Attorney’s office, if he could even look at her. I also said, in a statement that I stand by given Bookbinder’s role as an accessory after the fact, that he tortured her.

When confronted, Mr. Bookbinder turned momentarily towards where I was pointing, but when he saw the photos of Justina, one of which was taken in direct opposition an unconstitutional order that violated the Pelletiers’ federally protected civil rights, he immediately turned around to face downwards at his table. The ashen look on his face, as if he had seen a ghost, was priceless enough for a Mastercard commercial.

That being said, I definitely fell far short of delivering the statement I had intended. However, the U.S. Marshals were literally tugging me down by my shirt and removing my wife from the courtroom under the threat of force – for silently holding up two photos before the hearing was in session, with no judge in the room. That’s how much the Boston U.S. Marshals (dis)respect The First Amendment.

Anyways, here is the statement I meant to deliver at the hearing, and I still want to deliver it in full now, in case Adam Bookbinder or David D’Addio sprouted some courage or integrity in the past ten days or so:

Mr. Bookbinder,

Look! Look at Justina! Can you even look at her? Do you think President Trump will let you protect the fraudsters who billed Medicaid to kidnap her? Can you sleep at night knowing that people who bought your soul tortured her for over a year and left her in that wheelchair?

Have you no decency, sir? No shame?

You disgust me, Mr. Bookbinder. You’re a corrupt heartless crook from an office full of corrupt heartless crooks.

Afterwards, Adam Bookbinder didn’t speak. I can’t imagine why he didn’t. Instead, he let his lackey, David D’Addio, do all the talking.

In true Obama/Holder/Lynch DOJ fashion, D’Addio continued lying on the record and even took a shot at the media, accusing reporters and myself of making things up. The reality is though, that outlets from Rolling Stoneto Infowars, from Michelle Malkin to HuffPostNewsweek to The New American and more have all torpedoed Bookbinder’s narrative. And, unlike reporters, Obama’s feds have lied in sworn court statements.

That’s not to say that mistakes haven’t been made by the media, but nearly all of those have favored the prosecution. For instance, in its otherwise fair coverage of this last hearing, our local channel 5 ABC News initially ran their segment with a title that incorrectly states the hearing was “disruptive,” when the reality was the drama happened before the court was in session, thereafter the hearing started right on time, went smoothly and ended with the judge granting my motion. (Channel 5 also said there was a specter of patient data being exposed or lost, but Rolling Stone correctly negated that in their recent feature).

For a more complete accounting of the day’s events, please listen to this episode of the FreeMartyG podcast Infarcerated on FacebookiTunes, or embedded from YouTube below. (Please pardon my French). In an upcoming article, I soon plan to catalogue all the lies of these Obama holdovers along with the publications that have exposed them.

The post Martin Gottesfeld: “My Harvard-affiliated prosecutors cowered in shame before pictures of girl Harvard paralyzed/tortured” appeared first on RedState.


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