
LOL! Violent Celebrity Alec Baldwin Said He’d Make a Good President

- November 15, 2017

No really. The same guy who can’t keep his temper when asked by flight attendants to deactivate his cellphone during takeoff thinks he’d make a good president.

Speaking to an audience at George Washington University, actor Alec Baldwin suggested that he would be a great president, but he’s not sure his family would fully support his decision.

“Would I think I’d be a good president? Yeah, I think I’d be a good president,” said the actor.

“To run for office is something that I want to do,” he said, but added that it “doesn’t seem to be practical with my lifestyle and my children.”

Baldwin also cast doubts that after Trump, people would have had enough of celebrities in the Oval Office.

“I’m not quite sure that Trump has left it open for nontraditional candidates,” he said. “The pendulum may swing the other way, and people are going to want people with real, bonafide credentials.”

Tell that to Oprah.

According to The Hill, Baldwin isn’t shy about teasing presidential runs:

Baldwin hasn’t been shy about discussing a possible run for office. He also said he would be the keynote speaker at the Iowa Democratic Party’s fall gala on Nov. 27, prompting a joke from the moderator about whether he’d also visit New Hampshire.

Baldwin would be a more volatile President than Trump could ever be, with a Twitter presence so abrasive it would make our current president seem tame. Baldwin is known for his outbursts both in words and in violence. He’s assaulted photographers and thrown soft drinks at motorists. He’s used homophobic slurs, and even called his own daughter a “pig.”

Hopefully, the most presidential experience Baldwin will get his playing Trump on TV, a character that Baldwin has been riding high on for a while now. During his talk at GWU, Baldwin even promoted a book he had written on the subject.

The actor, who has won an Emmy award for his Trump impersonation on “Saturday Night Live,” was promoting his most recent book: “You Can’t Spell America without Me: The Really Tremendous Inside Story of My Fantastic First Year as President Donald J. Trump (A So-Called Parody)” with co-author Kurt Andersen. The book is a satirical biography of Trump’s first year in office.

Baldwin had the audience laughing hard as he read an excerpt from his book.

“The best thing about the summer was no ‘SNL,’ which is a show I made successful after it was completely failing. It should’ve been cancelled 25 years ago,” he said, imitating the president. “And I have a great sense of humor but the hater Alec ‘Faux Message’ Baldwin is so bad at playing me, like he’s doing Aldo Ray or somebody.”

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