
John Podesta Met With Fusion GPS After ‘Trump Dossier’ Was Published — Testified He Didn’t Know Who Paid For It

- November 11, 2017

Former Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta has some explaining to do. According to a new report, Podesta met with Fusion GPS after the discredited ‘Trump dossier,’ was released. The revelation is raising eyebrows as Podesta told Congress that he didn’t know who paid for opposition research firm for the shoddy ‘intel.’

Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller notes “The Times report does not say whether Podesta and Simpson discussed the Clinton campaign’s involvement in the dossier project.”

Daily Caller reports:

Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta met with the founder of the opposition research firm behind the Trump dossier just after the dirty document was published earlier this year, according to a new report in The New York Times.

The revelation is significant because Podesta, a longtime Democratic operative, recently told the Senate Intelligence Committee that he did not know who paid the research firm, Fusion GPS, to produce the dossier, which BuzzFeed published on Jan. 10.

An associate of Podesta’s told The Times that he met with Glenn Simpson, the founding partner of Fusion GPS, to compare notes about Russia’s meddling in the election.

Podesta’s associate told The Times that Simpson was considering whether his firm should continue its investigation of Trump’s alleged ties to Russia.

As The Gateway Pundit’s Cristina Laila previously reported, Hillary Clinton recently admitted paying for the opposition research on “The Daily Show” with Trevor Noah.

She also defended it as ‘opposition research’ while saying that Trump possibly talking to the Russians is much worse.

Is that so, Hillary? Talking to Russians isn’t illegal, however; not disclosing payments made for the dossier is, which is why the DNC was hit with an FEC complaint.

Clinton argued that Trump “had to know” that people were reaching out to Russians “in order to help him” and hurt her.

“I mean, he has to know. We’ll find out what he knew and how involved he was, but he had to know that people were making outreach to Russians to the highest levels of the Kremlin, in order to help him, to hurt me, but more importantly to sow this divisiveness,” Clinton asserted.

The banking records may reveal if money changed hands between Fusion GPS and Veselnitskaya, which would further thicken a plot that would make the late author Tom Clancy blush.

The post John Podesta Met With Fusion GPS After ‘Trump Dossier’ Was Published — Testified He Didn’t Know Who Paid For It appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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