Today’s lesson: People in blackface living in glass houses should not throw stones
Earlier this week actor James Woods smacked down a pompous leftist who smeared James Woods on Twitter.
Earlier this week James Woods SLAMMED Trump-hating poker player Daniel Negreanu for accusing him — without proof — of chasing 16-year-old girls.
James Woods responded:
“Say it like a man to my face, you cowardly piece of shit. Say it as a statement of fact, so If you have any money left, you might actually be worth suing, unlike these other losers with no money and big mouths. And how old was Evelyn Ng when you were her “mentor,” you hypocrite?”
Say it like a man to my face, you cowardly piece of shit. Say it as a statement of fact, so If you have any money left, you might actually be worth suing, unlike these other losers with no money and big mouths. And how old was Evelyn Ng when you were her “mentor,” you hypocrite?
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) November 15, 2017
Now this…
There is video of liberal #DanielNegreanu doing a YouTube video doing BLACKFACE!
So which is more vile, his hypocrisy or his racism?
The post Figures. Uber-Liberal Daniel Negreanu Caught in Blackface – So Which is More Vile, His Hypocrisy or His Racism? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.