
Conservative Sitcom Star Hints At Child Sex Trafficking Bombshell: ‘Trump Knows…Lots of People Will Become Woke As F*ck This Week’

- November 11, 2017

Progressive-turned-conservative comedian Roseanne Bar suggests stunning revelations on child sex trafficking will come to light this week. 

“lots of ppl will become Woke AF this week,” tweeted Barr.

Earlier in the evening, Barr tweeted about how President Trump is strongly opposed to child sex trafficking. Barr then underscored how important it is to stop the suffering of innocent children.

“I perceived Hollywood’s sexism 2B so pervasive as to not even be noticed-it was class based discrimination, with racial undertones based in anti-semitic sado-spiritual necroPedoism. . Trump opposes child trafficking & knows exactly where The Locos is-not many ppl r brave enough2 know, or remember or contain the information-most blank out. . all that really matters is that we stop the suffering of the world’s innocent children. We can do it bc it’s the right thing 2 do & this is The Age of Aquarius. G0D is with us now. Let’s Roll-,” tweeted Barr.

Townhall contributor Liz Corkin noted in February that the media failed to cover the Trump administration’s efforts to crackdown on child sex trafficking. Surprise, surprise.

Townhall reports:

Since President Donald Trump has been sworn in on Jan. 20, authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States. This should be one of the biggest stories in the national news. Instead, the mainstream media has barely, if at all, covered any of these mass pedophile arrests. This begs the question – why?

As a strong advocate for sex crime victims, I’ve been closely following the pedophile arrests since Trump took office. There have been a staggering 1,500-plus arrests in one short month; compare that to less than 400 sex trafficking-related arrests in 2014 according to the FBI.


-On Jan. 27 authorities arrested 42 in a human trafficking operation in Tennessee.

-On Jan. 29 authorities announced that 474 were arrested in a statewide California human trafficking operation and 28 sexually exploited children were rescued.

108 were arrested from Jan. 18 to Feb. 5 in Illinois as part of a national sex trafficking sting operation.

 178 people were arrested in Texas for sex trafficking in sting that operated in January till Super Bowl Sunday.

16 people were arrested in January in Michigan for sex trafficking during the Detroit Auto Show.

-In February, authorities arrested 11 in Virginia in a child sex sting.

The post Conservative Sitcom Star Hints At Child Sex Trafficking Bombshell: ‘Trump Knows…Lots of People Will Become Woke As F*ck This Week’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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