
COLD: Former Trump Campaign Manager Dismisses Texas Church Massacre (Video)

- November 12, 2017

Corey Lewandowski, the angry Lilliputian that once served as candidate Trump’s campaign manager is still making the rounds in defense of his former boss.

He’s still making the rounds, still coming off as an agitated Oompa Loompa, and still making no sense.

While appearing on Fox News as a guest on Jesse Watters’ Watters’ World, the topic was President Trump’s Asian trip.

It has only been a week since Devin Patrick Kelley, an angry atheist with a twisted past, walked into a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas and killed 26 people, including children as young as 5 years old.

While in Seoul, South Korea, a reporter asked Trump about extreme vetting for gun ownership.

And yes, we have to know that question is going to be out there, given that gun-grabbing is a really big deal to the left. Every tragedy becomes a talking point added to their script.

For his part, Trump pointed out that it was a good guy with a gun that was able to stop Kelley. It sounds cliché, but it’s true, so good on Trump for pointing it out.

Now, back to little Lewandowski.

As Watters brought it to his attention, in typical Lewandowski fashion, he stepped in it.

Said Lewandowski:

“You know, when the president is overseas and he is just south of a madman, why don’t we actually talk about the things that the world cares about?” he said. “Which is containing that madman in North Korea.”

For those who lost loved ones that day, this is their world.

For those who were witness to the events, suffered injuries, and will have to live with the nightmare of seeing members of their church family executed before their eyes, this is their world.

I want to say that Lewandowski misspoke, or that he was making some broader point and it just came out wrong.

I’d like to say that, but I’m not even that sure. Nor would that be an excuse, given how horrible the event was, how fresh it still is.

Lewandowski, like so much that oozed out of the Trump campaign, is a stain on decent society and civil discourse. If he has no ability to think about what he’s saying, to carefully choose his words, or to consider the potential pain of tossing out what appears to be callous and thoughtless comments when there are people in mourning, maybe he shouldn’t be given a platform.

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