
“Brilliant Evisceration”: Former Prosecutor Explains Why The Fusion GSP Dossier Epitomizes Obama-DOJ-FBI Corruption

- November 11, 2017

In a thought-provoking piece penned by Andrew C. McCarthy, the former prosecutor explains why the Fusion GPS dossier saga epitomizes the moral decay suffered by the Justice Department and FBI under former President Obama.  

Editor of the New Criterion, Roger Kimball, calls McCarthy’s piece a “brilliant evisceration.”

Former assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York and National Review fellow Andrew C. McCarthy writes:

Lest we forget, President Obama had endorsed Mrs. Clinton, his former secretary of state and his party’s nominee, to be president. Moreover, Obama had knowingly participated in the conduct for which Clinton was under investigation — using a pseudonym in communicating with her about classified government business over an unsecure private communication system.

Obama prejudiced the emails investigation. Long before it was formally ended, he publicly pronounced Clinton innocent. He theorized that she had not intended to harm the United States. Even if true, that fact would be irrelevant — it is not an element of the statutory offenses at issue, under which several military officials, who also had no intent to harm our country, have nevertheless been prosecuted. (It also had nothing to do with her quite intentional destruction of thousands of emails, many relating to government business — also a serious crime.)

As night follows day, the FBI and the Justice Department relied on Obama’s errant and self-interested rationale in dropping the case against Clinton and her accomplices. What did Obama’s subordinates do after he patently interfered in the investigation? Well, then-FBI director James Comey began drafting a statement exonerating Clinton months before the investigation ended — i.e., before over a dozen key witnesses, including Clinton herself, had been interviewed. Indeed, it has now been reported that Comey’s draft initially declaimed that Clinton had been “grossly negligent” in handling classified information — an assertion that tracked the language of one of the statutes Clinton violated. Later, in the statement he made publicly on July 5, 2016, Director Comey instead used the term “extremely careless” — substantively indistinguishable from “grossly negligent,” but the semantic shift appeared less tantamount to a finding of guilt.

Click here to read the entire article.

Last week, Fusion GPS, the firm behind the infamous ‘Trump Dossier,’ requested a U.S. District judge to block investigators from accessing its bank records. Not so fast, says the House Intelligence Committee, who filed a motion demanding Fusion GPS obey the subpoena to reveals its past financial transactions.

According to House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), the FBI has now agreed to comply with a request to hand over all dossier-related documents.

In a short-lived agreement, the FBI reimbursed expenses in relation to the procurement of the dossier, but backed out of the arrangement after those involved in the ‘Trump Dossier,’ such as former MI6 agent Christopher Steele became public. The FBI believed its credibility could be damaged if its involvement became public.

The FBI used the ‘Trump Dossier,’ as a pretext to obtain a FISA warrant, paving the way for agents to spy on Trump campaign officials, such as Carter Page.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Fusion GPS, the firm behind the ‘Trump Dossier,’ is called on a judge to block House investigators from accessing its bank records. Is Fusion GPS attempting to hide who paid for the ‘Trump Dossier’?

As The Gateway Pundit’s Joe Hoft previously reported, the major implication with Fusion GPS’s fake dossier on President Trump is that it was created by Fusion GPS for the Democrats and the Hillary campaign and it is totally ‘fake news’ and then the Obama Administration used it to spy on candidate Trump and President Trump knowing it was fake and created per their request in the first place.

When the Fusion GPS ‘fake news’ dossier came out earlier this year a press conference was held and President Trump adamantly claimed that it was fake and phony.

President Trump claimed that the dossier was fake.  The mainstream media didn’t give him the benefit of the doubt.  The MSM used the dossier to attack Trump.  Then deep state used the dossier to create the fake Russia investigation led by former Head of the FBI Robert Mueller.

President Trump’s followers however gave the President the benefit of the doubt and it soon came out that the dossier was fake, it was debunked and other individuals who were slandered by Fusion came out and shared their stories.  Thor Halvorssen was an individual who was slandered by Fusion GPS.

The post “Brilliant Evisceration”: Former Prosecutor Explains Why The Fusion GSP Dossier Epitomizes Obama-DOJ-FBI Corruption appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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