
WOW! Rep. Nunes Reveals Sessions DOJ ‘Ignoring Leaks’ — Deep State In Executive Branch Obstructing Fusion GSP Investigation (VIDEO)

- Oktober 31, 2017

In an interview with newly-minted Fox News host Laura Ingraham, House Intelligence Chair Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) gave a sobering view of the Justice Department under Attorney General Jeff Sessions and James Comey’s FBI.

The California lawmaker says the Justice Department is ignoring the issue of leaks, marring investigations into scandals such as the ‘Trump Dossier,’ and ‘Russian interference,’ into the 2016 presidential election.

As The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft reported Monday night, Nunes suggested the FBI under James Comey may be lying about who funded the infamous ‘Trump Dossier.’

“Who’s lying at the FBI?,” Ingraham asked Nunes on the topic of who funded the ‘Trump dossier.’

“We don’t really know. Is it just Comey or is it the whole FBI?,” asked Nunes

Ingraham was taken aback by the response, replying with “that’s quite a charge.”

“Absolutely. This is the government out of control,” admitted Nunes.

As the partial transcripts reads below, Nunes then took aim at AG Jeff Sessions.

Video credit: Keep America Great

Partial transcript as follows via Breitbart News:

INGRAHAM: Adam Schiff, your Democrat counterpart, has said that you have become, you, have become an obstacle to the Trump-Russia collusion investigation because, you know, you stepped aside and then you didn’t step aside. Can you clear that up for us because that’s confusing to people? People think you recused yourself, but you never did.

NUNES: There is a lot of crazy things that the media, the mainstream media says about me and others. But the bottom line is this: We are being obstructed in this investigation. We have for a long time. There is no question that I was attacked viciously by the left. You are well aware of it, to try to get me off.

INGRAHAM: They were trying to intimidate you from speaking out, which is what they do to a lot of people, did they not?

NUNES: Remember, it was all over me originally going to the White House.

INGRAHAM: That you looked at these documents.

NUNES: I looked at documents —

INGRAHAM: The unmasking.

NUNES: — where Trump officials had been unmasked.

INGRAHAM: Yeah. Right.

NUNES: Some of those ended up in the media. This is the problem with leaks from our major intelligence services.

INGRAHAM: Deep state is leaking. They’re leaking to make you look bad. Are you going to bring back Susan Rice and others to testify? Samantha Power, bringing them back?

NUNES: Unfortunately, we are bringing back a lot of the people, or the DOJ could do their job and begin to investigate.

INGRAHAM: I’m not thinking Bob Mueller is going to rush to that. But maybe I’m just pessimistic. Thank you very much, congressman.

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