
When This Is All Over, Will We Even Have Democrats And Republicans?

- Oktober 09, 2017

At this time, however, we are unable to tell if this is a picture of the Republican Party HQ or the Democratic Party HQ.

Right now, if you look at the federal level, it is really difficult to tell if either political party has a long term advantage over the other. Neither really seems capable of winning an egg and spoon race, much less a legislative victory in Congress.

On the one hand, you have the Republican Party, which has time and again promised to do what its base wants if they’d just give them control of the House of Representatives the House of Representatives and the Senate the House of Representatives and the Senate and the White House, only to renege on every single promise in some way, shape or form.

The problem on the House side is that a divided caucus is making it difficult to reach agreements. To that, you can probably blame both sides a bit, as each has expectations that they seem inflexible on at times. On the Senate side, however, we have an absolute lack of leadership and an extremely hostile-to-conservatism attitude has led to an utter failure to get anything meaningful done.

Meanwhile, there is a rudderless White House with a petulant manchild on the golden throne who has no idea what he wants, just what his base demands, and he is a man who plays for ratings over true policy.

These all mix together to create a Republican Party that, while numerically dominant, is feeble and impotent in getting anything done.

And, as you look around at the Republican Party, and all the chaos its in right now, you slowly turn and look at the Democrats and you just have to wonder how in God’s name they lost to all of this.

What no one seems to want to pay attention to right now is the fact that the Democratic Party is in the midst of its own civil war. Moderate elements pay lip service to real progressive ideas, but they have done nothing to advance their own agenda. Democrats had the ability to ram through just about anything they wanted for about two years, and the best they could do was a health insurance scheme that is collapsing on itself.

They were obliterated across the board, from the local levels on up in many states, and they have yet to change their strategy. They really did think that elevating Donald Trump in the media during the primaries was smart. They really did think that paving the way for Hillary Clinton was smart. And, they refuse to publicly acknowledge that they were wrong to do so.

In fact, many of them are so convinced it was the right thing to do that they want to replicate the Trump Experiment in Congressional races. Find the Trumpiest candidates and elevate them, point out how terrible they are. I dunno if the Democrats are aware of what the definition of insanity is, but I’d recommend they look it up.

They are going to be forced to the Left a whole lot more in the coming months and years, and I don’t think they quite know yet just how back that is going to backfire on them. There are still a lot of issues that moderates aren’t ready to follow the Leftest of the Left on.

We have two major political parties in this country that seem like they are absolutely trying to commit suicide. But, it’s as though their political opponents are trying to stop them from hanging themselves by hopping in the noose for them. It is sadly, hilarious, and absurd. But mostly, it’s horrifying that we have people who are so inept and yet lead us.

What exactly does that say about us? Nothing good.

The post When This Is All Over, Will We Even Have Democrats And Republicans? appeared first on RedState.


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