
Weinstein Victim: “I Know That Everybody—I Mean Everybody—in Hollywood Knows That it’s Happening”

- Oktober 10, 2017

As previously reported, embattled Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is the subject of a devastating expose detailing decades of sexual harassment.

So far the Hollywood elites have yet to condemn serial predator Harvey Weinstein.

Weinstein is also one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest donors, having raised mega bucks for the failed Democrat presidential candidate. 

Hollywood literally worshipped Weinstein. Gross.

In March 2012 Hollywood actress Meryl Streep praised serial predator Harvey Weinstein as “god” at the Golden Globes.
The audience loved it.

Last Thursday, The New York Times blew the roof off of the decades long ‘open secret’ in Hollywood that Harvey Weinstein was essentially a sexual predator who preyed on young starlets. Weinstein reportedly paid off several sexual harassment accusers over the years.

An investigation by The New York Times found previously undisclosed allegations against Mr. Weinstein stretching over nearly three decades, documented through interviews with current and former employees and film industry workers, as well as legal records, emails and internal documents from the businesses he has run, Miramax and the Weinstein Company.

During that time, after being confronted with allegations including sexual harassment and unwanted physical contact, Mr. Weinstein has reached at least eight settlements with women, according to two company officials speaking on the condition of anonymity.

So how did this sexual abuse go on and on seemingly out in the open without reporters chomping at the bit to publish the story?

It turns out that Weinstein has media enablers as well.

The New York Times had the story all the way back in 2004 and squashed it after Weinstein himself appeared at the NYT headquarters and muscled the paper into silence.

Sharon Waxman is the founder of The Wrap and a former New York Times reporter. She said she “gagged” when she read Jim Rutenberg’s sanctimonious piece on Saturday about the “media enablers” who kept this story from the public for decades.

Waxman wrote about having the Weinstein scoop when she was a new reporter at the New York Times back in 2004 but after Weinstein, Matt Damon and Russel Crowe pressured her to stop her hit piece, the story was gutted.

Via The Wrap:

In 2004, I was still a fairly new reporter at The New York Times when I got the green light to look into oft-repeated allegations of sexual misconduct by Weinstein. It was believed that many occurred in Europe during festivals and other business trips there.

I also tracked down a woman in London who had been paid off after an unwanted sexual encounter with Weinstein. She was terrified to speak because of her non-disclosure agreement, but at least we had evidence of a pay-off.

The story I reported never ran.

After intense pressure from Weinstein, which included having Matt Damon and Russell Crowe call me directly to vouch for Lombardo and unknown discussions well above my head at the Times, the story was gutted.

I was told at the time that Weinstein had visited the newsroom in person to make his displeasure known. I knew he was a major advertiser in the Times, and that he was a powerful person overall.

But I had the facts, and this was the Times. Right?

Wrong. The story was stripped of any reference to sexual favors or coercion and buried on the inside of the Culture section, an obscure story about Miramax firing an Italian executive. Who cared?

The Times’ then-culture editor Jon Landman, now an editor-at-large for Bloomberg, thought the story was unimportant, asking me why it mattered.

Read Waxman’s full story at The Wrap here.

Hollywood is a swamp just like the elites in Washington D.C. They will do anything to protect their own with help from the media. Truly disgusting.

Hours before he was fired from The Weinstein Company over sexual harassment allegations, Hollywood producer and Democrat mega donor Harvey Weinstein fired off a ‘desperate,’ email to Hollywood CEOs and moguls.

Below is Harvey Weinstein’s complete email:

My board is thinking of firing me. All I’m asking, is let me take a leave of absence and get into heavy therapy and counseling. Whether it be in a facility or somewhere else, allow me to resurrect myself with a second chance. A lot of the allegations are false as you know but given therapy and counseling as other people have done, I think I’d be able to get there. 

I could really use your support or just your honesty if you can’t support me. 

But if you can, I need you to send a letter to my private gmail address. The letter would only go to the board and no one else. We believe what the board is trying to do is not only wrong but might be illegal and would destroy the company. If you could write this letter backing me, getting me the help and time away I need, and also stating your opposition to the board firing me, it would help me a lot. I am desperate for your help. Just give me the time to have therapy. Do not let me be fired. If the industry supports me, that is all I need. 

With all due respect, I need the letter today.

In another bombshell, Weinstein is caught on tape admitting he groped a woman’s breast. The New Yorker is now reporting three women are accusing him of rape.

From The New Yorker:

Three women––among them Argento and a former aspiring actress named Lucia Evans—told me that Weinstein raped them, allegations that include Weinstein forcibly performing or receiving oral sex and forcing vaginal sex. Four women said that they experienced unwanted touching that could be classified as an assault. In an audio recording captured during a New York Police Department sting operation in 2015 and made public here for the first time, Weinstein admits to groping a Filipina-Italian model named Ambra Battilana Gutierrez, describing it as behavior he is “used to.” Four of the women I interviewed cited encounters in which Weinstein exposed himself or masturbated in front of them.

Sixteen former and current executives and assistants at Weinstein’s companies told me that they witnessed or had knowledge of unwanted sexual advances and touching at events associated with Weinstein’s films and in the workplace. They and others describe a pattern of professional meetings that were little more than thin pretexts for sexual advances on young actresses and models. All sixteen said that the behavior was widely known within both Miramax and the Weinstein Company.

Click here to read The New Yorker’s full report.

From the report:

De Caunes, who was in her early thirties at the time, was already an established actress, but she wondered what would happen to younger and more vulnerable women in the same situation. Over the years, she said, she’s heard similar accounts from friends. “I know that everybody—I mean everybody—in Hollywood knows that it’s happening,” de Caunes said. “He’s not even really hiding. I mean, the way he does it, so many people are involved and see what’s happening. But everyone’s too scared to say anything.”

Does that mean political figures knew as well? Highly likely considering Hollywood and the Democratic Party are attached at the hip.

Hillary still hasn’t said a word!

Weinstein threw a fundraiser for Clinton back in June.

Page Six reports

Harvey Weinstein is throwing a starry fundraiser for Hillary Clinton on Monday with co-hosts Leo DiCaprioJennifer LopezSarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick.

Weinstein and his designer wife, Georgina Chapman, are planning a dinner and conversation with Clinton at their Manhattan home to benefit the Hillary Victory Fund.

We’re told the event will be for around 50. Weinstein has hosted fundraisers at his townhouse, as well as his home in Connecticut, for President Obama in 2011, ’12 and ’13.

How much did the fundraiser net for Clinton? $1.8 million.

From Deadline:

Something in the neighborhood of $1.8 million was raised at Harvey Weinstein’s star-packed fundraiser for Hillary Clinton in New York City Monday night, sources tell Deadline. The event for 50 or so Clinton supporters at Weinstein’s Manhattan home drew some major Hollywood names, including Leonardo DiCaprioJennifer Lopez, Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick, Candice Bergen, Bethenny Frankel and designers Vera Wang and Tory Burch.

In the following month, Weinstein threw a concert for Clinton at the St. James Theatre.

THR wrote:

Hosted by Billy Crystal, the Oct. 17 evening at the St. James Theatre will include performances and appearances by Julia Roberts, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hugh Jackman, Sarah Jessica Parker, Emily Blunt, Angela Bassett, Neil Patrick Harris, Helen Mirren and more.

Broadway is bulking up for Hillary Clinton.

Stephen Schwartz, Harvey Weinstein, Jordan Roth, Richie Jackson and Anna Wintour are producing a star-studded fundraiser concert in support of the Democratic presidential candidate. The show will be livestreamed on Clinton’s website as well as her campaign’s YouTube and Facebook pages

Here’s Weinstein on MSNBC telling Morning Joe why he’s supporting Hillary Clinton for president on April 19th.

Back in 2014, Weinstein defended Clinton against her handling of Benghazi, calling it “complete bullshit.”

THR wrote:

Weinstein, who has become close to the Obamas, also defended Hillary Clinton, saying it is “complete bullshit” for some conservatives to blame her for the Benghazi embassy attack. (At the same time, he added he is on friendly terms with Fox News chief Roger Ailes.)

Mr. Weinstein has also donated at least $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation, reports the Washington Times.

As The Hollywood Reporter says, the news puts the Clintons and Obamas in a “tough spot.”

THR writes:

Weinstein was a strong supporter of Hillary Clinton’s recent presidential run, and donated to her political campaigns about 10 times between 1999 and 2016, according to a review of campaign finance records.

Weinstein’s donations to Clinton over the years total more than $20,000, and span from her successful campaign for U.S. Senate in New York in 2000 to her unsuccessful presidential campaigns of 2007 and 2016. He also donated to her husband’s presidential campaigns in the 1990’s.

More broadly, Weinstein has donated generously to Democratic political candidates, national party campaign committees and state Democratic Party operations over the last few decades. Last year, he also gave $10,000 to a political action committee associated with the advocacy group Human Rights Campaign.

In a shocking report set to rock Hollywood, the New York Times released devastating details of sexual harassment accusations against liberal Hollywood producer and mega Democrat donor Harvey Weinstein. According to the report, Weinstein has settled a whopping eight times over such allegations. 

New York Times reports:

Two decades ago, the Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein invited Ashley Judd to the Peninsula Beverly Hills hotel for what the young actress expected to be a business breakfast meeting. Instead, he had her sent up to his room, where he appeared in a bathrobe and asked if he could give her a massage or she could watch him shower, she recalled in an interview.


In 2014, Mr. Weinstein invited Emily Nestor, who had worked just one day as a temporary employee, to the same hotel and made another offer: If she accepted his sexual advances, he would boost her career, according to accounts she provided to colleagues who sent them to Weinstein Company executives. The following year, once again at the Peninsula, a female assistant said Mr. Weinstein badgered her into giving him a massage while he was naked, leaving her “crying and very distraught,” wrote a colleague, Lauren O’Connor, in a searing memo asserting sexual harassment and other misconduct by their boss.


An investigation by The New York Times found previously undisclosed allegations against Mr. Weinstein stretching over nearly three decades, documented through interviews with current and former employees and film industry workers, as well as legal records, emails and internal documents from the businesses he has run, Miramax and the Weinstein Company.

During that time, after being confronted with allegations including sexual harassment and unwanted physical contact, Mr. Weinstein has reached at least eight settlements with women, according to two company officials speaking on the condition of anonymity.

Weinstein responded to the devastating report says, ““I appreciate the way I’ve behaved with colleagues in the past has caused a lot of pain, and I sincerely apologize for it. Though I’m trying to do better, I know I have a long way to go.”

“I am a 28 year old woman trying to make a living and a career. Harvey Weinstein is a 64 year old, world famous man and this is his company. The balance of power is me: 0, Harvey Weinstein: 10. — From Lauren O’Connor‘s memo”

O’Connor was a female assistance at the Weinstein Company.

Click here to read the complete report.

The post Weinstein Victim: “I Know That Everybody—I Mean Everybody—in Hollywood Knows That it’s Happening” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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