As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, The Podesta Group was one of the firms Special Counsel Robert Mueller subpoenaed, but you would have to read NINE paragraphs into the NBC News article to learn this. Instead of the story having its own headline, it was buried.
Tony Podesta and his firm, the Podesta Group, are now under federal investigation by FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller in connection with the Russia investigation, three sources told NBC News.
Excerpt from NBC’s August 25th exclusive article. In the original article, Podesta Group is mentioned 9 paragraphs down.
NBC News:
Special Counsel Robert Mueller issued grand jury subpoenas in recent days seeking testimony from public relations executives who worked on an international campaign organized by Paul Manafort, people directly familiar with the matter told NBC News.
[…]The executive said six firms participated in the public relations effort that Manafort coordinated, paid for by a Brussels-based non-profit called the European Center for a Modern Ukraine. The stated goal was to build support for Ukraine’s entry into the European Union.
Two of the firms, Podesta Group and Mercury LLC, worked in Washington with Manafort partner Rick Gates, according to lobbying disclosure records. Three other firms worked in Europe, the executive said. NBC News could not confirm the identity of those three.
The Podesta Group lobbied the State Department, the Senate AND the NatSec Council on behalf of Russian-owned uranium mining company Uranium One while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State.
The Podesta Group which was founded by brothers Tony and John Podesta (although John Podesta hasn’t worked for the company in several years) was paid $40,000 by Uranium One to lobby the State Department, the Senate, the National Park Service and the National Security Council for “international mining projects,” according to a July 20, 2012 filing, Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller reported.
Podesta’s firm continued to make money lobbying for Uranium One in 2015, after Hillary Clinton already left the State Department.
The Podestas are a fixture in the Clinton camp. John Podesta previously served as then-President Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff and was Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman during the 2016 election. Coincidence?
The Daily Caller reported in 2015:
Senate records show that The Podesta Group has lobbied the State Department on behalf of Uranium One — once in 2012, when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, and once in 2015.
Uranium One paid The Podesta Group $40,000 to lobby the State Department, the Senate, the National Park Service and the National Security Council for “international mining projects,” according to a July 20, 2012 filing.
Maria Bartiromo absolutely slammed Podesta over his ties to the Russians back in late June. Bartiromo also brought up how the Democrats have stronger ties to the Russians than Trump or any other Republican. Podesta was visibly rattled as he struggled to defend his position.
Bartiromo asked Podesta about Joule Unlimited, a Massachusetts energy company he sits on the board of along with other Russians: “John, I gotta ask you about your own ties to Russian entities. You joined the board of a small energy company in 2011, 2 months later a Russia entity directly funded by the Kremlin invested $35 million in the company. You were given 75,000 shares in a Russian company which you failed to disclose when you became an Obama associate.”
Although the Podesta Group is a separate entity from Joule Unlimited, it is important to highlight the Podesta’s cozy ties to the Russians and the Clintons.
The Deep State FBI KNEW about this corruption and pay-to-play the entire time.
As previously reported, prior to the Obama administration approving the very controversial deal in 2010 giving Russia 20% of America’s Uranium, the FBI had evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were involved in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering in order to benefit Vladimir Putin, says a report by The Hill.
Hillary Clinton was in the middle of this corruption. All Russian roads lead to Hillary, Podesta and Obama.
The Clintons took the cash from Uranium One officials before the deal was approved by Hillary Clinton’s State Department. The Clintons hid the donations which is a clear violation of the Memorandum of Understanding Hillary Clinton signed with the Obama administration wherein she promised and agreed to publicly disclose all donations during her tenure as Secreatary of State. (Via Breitbart).
The FBI informant working on the case was threatened by the Obama administration after he witnessed the bribery, extortion and money laundering as money exchanged through briefcases and yellow envelopes.
The FBI informant needs an NDA lifted in order for him to testify to Congress. According to a recent report, Jeff Sessions’ DOJ refuses to lift the NDA.
What is going on?? The Podestas, Clintons, Obamas and other corrupt Obama admin cronies were the ones colluding with Russia, not President Trump.
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