
The Walking Feds: Video Ad Takes Aim at Obama’s ‘Zombie Regulators’

- Oktober 31, 2017

The group Americans for Limited Government jumped on the Halloween bandwagon with this zombie-themed ad calling on President Trump to go all Rick Grimes on Obama holdovers.

Why haven’t Consumer Financial Protection Bureau director Richard Cordray and Federal Housing Finance Agency director Mel Watt been fired yet?

Americans for Limited Government’s mission, apart from blasting zombies is:

Americans for Limited Government is dedicated to restoring the constitutional, limited powers of government at the federal, state, and local level.  ALG does this by fighting to reduce the size and scope of government, protecting individuals rights, promoting federalism, and rolling back the tyranny of the administrative state.  This will put America first, foster free enterprise, and restore the rule of law.

Where’s Daryl and his crossbow when you need him?

The post The Walking Feds: Video Ad Takes Aim at Obama’s ‘Zombie Regulators’ appeared first on RedState.


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